A new chapter begins | Caibideil ùr a’ tòiseachadh

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Ten years on from establishing university status, UHI has built a strong foundation to move into a new strategic chapter founded on a 'Daring to be different’ ethos, affirming its role as a regionally focused partnership of independent colleges and research institutions covering the largest geographical area of any campus-based facility in the UK.

Deich bliadhna air adhart bho stèidheachadh inbhe oilthigh, tha UHI air bunait làidir a thogail gus gluasad a-steach gu caibideil ro-innleachdail ùr stèidhichte air feallsanachd ‘Dùraigeadh a bhith diofraichte’, a’ daingneachadh a dhleastanas mar chom-pàirteachas chuimsichte roinneil de cholaistean neo-eisimeileach agus institiùdan rannsachaidh, a’ còmhdach nan raointean cruinn-eòlais as motha de ghoireas sam bith stèidhichte air àrainn san RA.

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I think it's awesome. :) Completed my Masters in Highlands and Islands Culture a year or two ago. Thrilled to see the progress of the regional identities being joined up to make the most our dynamic not so little corner of the world.
