#8: Inheritance | Method Overloading | Shadowing | How Constructors works W.R.T. Inheritance

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This video is the 8th part of my Mastering ASP.NET 4.5 with C# Online Training from my .NET 399th Batch Recorded Video Series. If you like my videos please subscribe, like, comment and share my YouTube channel with your friends who are interested in learning new technologies. This encourages me to create more videos.
This series will be having 30 Videos / Sessions and I will be uploading each video per day for the Next 30 days. So that the people who are interested in learning ASP.NET 4.5 with C# can take 20 to 30 mins each day to master ASP.NET 4.5 with C#.

In this Video we shall understand some of the important concepts that we need to know while working with Inheritance in C# i.e. Method Overloading in C#, Shadowing in C#, How Constructors will work with respective to Inheritance concepts in C# i.e what will happen at the base class when we create an object for the derived class etc. in detailed manner with multiple demos.

In this video i have used some technical ways to explain the concept for better understanding and also used some real-time scenarios for understanding the concepts.

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