The Philosophy Of Immanuel Kant

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While the 18th century most certainly belonged to the likes of Voltaire and Hume, the 19th belonged to the immensely influential philosophy of Immanuel Kant.

I will not attempt to cover all of this man’s immensely complex philosophy in just one video. Instead I will cover parts of his Transcendental Idealism. This philosophy remains debated among his contemporaries and among modern day philosophers. This means you may come to a different conclusion than the one I present here in this video.

Make sure you SUBSCRIBE if you enjoyed the video and want to see more videos on eastern and western philosophy.

Books mentioned on Kant’s philosophy:

Will Durant’s The Story of Philosophy:

Schopenhauer’s The World as Will and Idea:

William Wallace’s Kant:

Music Attribution:
Flecks of Light – by The Tower of Light – Cinematic/Calm music

Creative Commons:
Immanuel Kant image –
Author Videvo -
-Kant Statue


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Das shortest distance between 2 points on a flat surface without any curvature is a straight line;
But on a surface with nonzero curvature,
It is the geodesic.


Over the centuries, Science has given us valuable tools which grandly enhance our senses. The list is too long to mention. So all knowledge obtained by using these tools of sensory extension, is as valid as any information obtained by normal senses, such as hearing, smelling, or seeing.


Nice video. Philochrony is the theory that describes the nature of time and demonstrates its existence. Time is magnitive: objective, Imperceptible and measurable.


Thanks, you saved me in philosophy class!


" I am reminded of a great German philosopher, Immanuel Kant. He is a specimen of those people who are absolutely in the mind. He lived according to mind so totally that people used to set their watches, whenever they saw Immanuel Kant going to the university. Never — it may rain, it may rain fire, it may rain cats and dogs, it may be utterly cold, snow falling … Whatever the situation, Kant will reach the university at exactly the same time all the year round, even on holidays. Such a fixed, almost mechanical … He would go on holiday at exactly the same time, remain in the university library, which was specially kept open for him, because otherwise what would he do there the whole day? And he was a very prominent, well-known philosopher, and he would leave the university at exactly the same time every day.

One day it happened … It had rained and there was too much mud on the way — one of his shoes got stuck in the mud. He did not stop to take the shoe out because that would make him reach the university a few seconds later, and that was impossible. He left the shoe there. He just arrived with one shoe. The students could not believe it. Somebody asked, “What happened to the other shoe?”

He said, “It got stuck in the mud, so I left it there, knowing perfectly well nobody is going to steal one shoe. When I return in the evening, then I will pick it up. But I could not have been late.”

A woman proposed to him: “I want to be married to you” — a beautiful young woman. Perhaps no woman has ever received such an answer, before or after Immanuel Kant. Either you say, “Yes, ” or you say, “No. Excuse me.” Immanuel Kant said, “I will have to do a great deal of research.”

The woman asked, “About what?”

He said, “I will have to look in all the marriage manuals, all the books concerning marriage, and find out all the pros and cons — whether to marry or not to marry.”

The woman could not imagine that this kind of answer had ever been given to any woman before. Even no is acceptable, even yes, although you are getting into a misery, but it is acceptable. But this kind of indifferent attitude towards the woman — he did not say a single sweet word to her. He did not say anything about her beauty, his whole concern was his mind. He had to convince his mind whether or not marriage is logically the right thing.

It took him three years. It was really a long search. Day and night he was working on it, and he had found three hundred reasons against marriage and three hundred reasons for marriage. So the problem even after three years was the same.

One friend suggested out of compassion, “You wasted three years on this stupid research. In three years you would have experienced all these six hundred, without any research. You should have just said yes to that woman. There was no need to do so much hard work. Three years would have given you all the pros and cons — existentially, experientially.”

But Kant said, “I am in a fix. Both are equal, parallel, balanced. There is no way to choose.”

The friend suggested, “Of the pros you have forgotten one thing: that whenever there is a chance, it is better to say yes and go through the experience. That is one thing more in favor of the pros. The cons cannot give you any experience, and only experience has any validity.”

He understood, it was intellectually right. He immediately went to the woman’s house, knocked on her door. Her old father opened the door and said, “Young man, you are too late. You took too long in your research. My girl is married and has two children.” That was the last thing that was ever heard about his marriage. From then on no woman ever asked him, and he was not the kind of man to ask anybody. He remained unmarried."


Well, while I am watching this video, I am wishing every single person was able to or willing to watch this video.
Categorical Imperative.


you should pick up better book, Will Durant's views and commentaries are very immature.


Das beste of man is he who has eye to seee the unseen because seeing the unseen is enlightenment;

1+2=1 in Z/2Z
2+3=2 in Z/3Z
4+5=1 in Z/4Z
6+7=3 in Z/5Z
8+9=5 in Z/6Z

There is no such thing as the thing in itself because everything is interdependent and interconnected to everything else in das universe since we are 1;

Even addition depends on das ring of integers.

He who speaks only das truth and nothing false is a Buddha.


I think I'm about to start one of those YouTube channel binges. Good work my friend


Good video. Thank you. Wish this channel grow.. 🤘


So teach your kids as much a priori as you can, expose them to the world so they can observe as much a posteriori as possible using their senses, then reflect on what they observed. Not bad advice I would say. Probably better than trying to teach people to deny their senses which happens a lot.


Could you shed the light if possible on the following:

1- Philosophy interpretations about people who experience extraterrestrials venue to Earth

2- Main Philosophical thoughts which inspired Einstein

3- Khalil Gibran Philosophy


Thanks a lot ...I was trying to relate Kant, Hegel, Marx and Weber... and this video helped a lot..
