iTeraCare Quantum Scalar Energy: Instantly Create a Quantum Scalar Energy Field! (Part 1 of 5)

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John Scevola - Independent Prife International (iTeraCare) Business Owner/Distributor
1-971-401-6671 (Oregon, USA PST)
40 years research and practice of Energy and Frequency Medicine Therapy Modalities
Wife is a homeopathic doctor

China, Japan, and the US have proclaimed Terahertz (THz) as,
"One of the Top 10 Technologies that will change the world!"

Scientists from around the world have called Terahertz
"The Wave of Life," "The Light of Life," and "God's Waveband."

—In 2004, the US government rated Terahertz Technology as one of the "Ten Technologies" that will change the world of the future.
—In 2005, Japan listed Terahertz Technology as the first of the "Ten Key Strategic Objectives of the National Pillars," and the nation is aggressively engaged in research and development.
—In 2005, China listed Terahertz Technology as one of the "Ten Key Strategic Goals of Nation."
—In 2014, China held the "Xiangshan Science and Technology Conference" to formulate a plan for accelerating research of the application of Terahertz Technology in biomedicine.

Terahertz is an electromagnetic wave band between microwave and infared. The unique iTeraCare Terahertz Therapy Device resonates the same frequency as normal human cells, which is 2 to 17 THz, generating MILLIONS of therapeutic entraining vibrations per second into your cells and your body.

iTeraCare Terahertz waves are non-ionizing and non-invasive. Due to its low energy characteristics, terahertz radiation is harmless to humans and animals. It can penetrate many materials (i.e. cardboard, ceramics, clothing, masonry, paper, plastic, and wood). including your skin, between 20 to 30 cm, thus reaching and helping to optimize your bone marrow, micro blood vessels, and capillaries.


The iTeraCare device is a certified household electrical equipment. It has been certified as "safe to use." It emits no harmful radiation and it has labels allowing for its distribution internationally.

The iTeraCare blower is not a medical equipment and the manufacturer provides no medical advice. Users understand that the device is not intended to be used as a medical device or for diagnostic purposes on which reliance should be placed. Its use is not intended to be relied upon in lieu of medical treatment or advice by a trained medical care practitioner. Users understand that they use the iTeraCare blower at their own risk.

Always consult your doctor or other healthcare professional with any questions regarding any medical condition, or for specific guidance regarding the optimal use of the iTeraCare blower, nutrition or physical activity.

This video was created by John Scevola and is not an official Prife/iNetwork/iTeraCare video.

#iteracare #terahertztechnology #energyhealing #energymedicine #quantum scalar #scalar energy #terahertz #terahertz wand #device #blower #frequencywand
Рекомендации по теме

Have all 3 models. They have been plugged in for over a year. Absolutely no issues!


OMG, John! This is amazing 🎉 I will be sure to keep them plugged in and near me when I am sleeping! No wonder I feel so good!!!


Thank you💫🙏🏼💫for all the videos youre sharing here🙌I just received my iteracare and im so excited and glad to find your channel. Its a real clear and elaborate way to find out all magic about this remarkable device☀️and I love how you explain with the analogy of the internet and the innernet🤩


Cool demo. Just a reminder: Don't leave the device plugged in unattended. Sometimes they get very hot when sitting there plugged in. The company says to unplug when not in use.


The implications are exciting to consider!


Nice demo. We believe that eventually we literally become av wand by Quantum entanglement. Because when I touch an object or another person they become energized instantly


Would have been nice to see how far away to devices before not emitting.


How long can the classic 2.0 be left plugged in without harm to it?


The scanner you got from india comes with various pods you put into the front of the dousing scanner, which pod are you using. I bought a scanner came without a manual and the english diction of the trainer was difficult for me to comprehend. Please guide me as to which pod you used as some of them have indian meanings which does not align with my understanding. Thank you🙏🇨🇦
