France Gall • About Africa (English Subtitles • Interview 2010) • ST SM / SME FR

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“There is a force on this island, which has comforted me.”
France Gall first visited Senegal at the end of the 1960s, with a camera in hand.
“I went there like any tourist. I started pulling out my camera to take pictures, right away… I had to realize that was the wrong thing to do. I educated myself directly on the field. I understand them so much now.” (1)
The real encounter took place 15 years later.
“It started with my awareness in the mid-1980s of the problems the world could face. Africa, among others, but not only Africa.” (2)
In 1985, with a few artist friends and show business personalities, France Gall founded Action-École, a non-governmental humanitarian organization. She goes several times “in the field”, the objective being to succeed in targeting the precise and priority needs of the villages visited in order to be able to create specific and as direct aid projects as possible. While in France, school committees are being created to raise funds, food and supplies. The operation will be very successful.
After a few years, Action École was entrusted to Médecins Du Monde. And France’s love and commitment to Africa will last until her last days, discreetly. Shortly after the death of her friends Daniel Balavoine and Coluche in 1986, France Gall no longer wants to hesitate, she no longer wants to wait. Passing through this small island, off Dakar, which has made her dream for so long, she sees a sign “for sale” on the front of a modest Norman farmhouse and decides to indulge herself in this dream. At this time, the singer is thinking of retiring. Her Babacar album and the show that followed took her so far, so high, that she didn't think she could go on, except to repeat herself. What she's running from. To finally hang up her star status is to regain the time necessary for her balance. Digest a life led at 100 per hour. Devote herself even more to her two children. To assimilate the daily grief of the physical suffering of a little girl who is predicted to die more than early. To carry the secret. And make time for herself, despite everything. To be herself, and to accept it. To meet again. Live the calm and try to invite the joys of anonymity into her daily life, too. Because that is also what this house represents, it is the simple and crazy desires that it embodies. By calling on local artisans, France will rehabilitate it, erase its Norman character, and decorate it to her liking, in the African tradition. She will baptize it “Noflaye”, which means “take it easy, slow down”.
In Senegal, France Gall will forge solid friendships over the years. She will invest in the life of the village and its inhabitants, the school, and finance educational projects. She will work for the creation of a house to accommodate women living in the streets of Dakar. She will open a restaurant. She will present for artists. And there she will live her grief: her partner, first in 1992, and their daughter five years later. In her house on the island of Ngor, she will live another time.
“Silence heals, but it must be tamed. When I bought here, I was very surrounded. I dreamed of being there alone, and at the same time it felt like the height of loneliness. Now, when I am in this house without electricity, which can only be accessed by canoe, I live in another time, alone with my books, facing the Atlantic. I live in the moment, without fear of the next day.” (3)
“There is a force on this island, which has comforted me.” (4)
In 2010, she somewhat lifts the veil on her life in Dakar for the needs of the documentary program "Vu Du Ciel" orchestrated by Yann Arthus-Bertrand.

(1) L’Humanité, Nov 2002, Interview by Victor Hache
(2) Vu Du Ciel, 2010, Interview by Yann Arthus-Bertrand
(3) L’Express, Oct 2004, Interview by Gilles Medioni
(4) C’Est Votre Vie, Sep 2015, Interview by Stéphane Bern
Рекомендации по теме

Une femme formidable tournée vers les autres, en toute humilité. BravoFranceet merci pour tout ce que vous avez fait.


What an amazing woman. Love x 1, 000, 000.


France gall à fait beaucoup pour le Sénégal elle a créé une association pour aider les populations en difficulté. C est un pays qu elle aimait beaucoup.


Thank you SO MUCH for the English subs.. pls pls continue 🥰


Chère France Gall... Si belle, intelligente, genereuse... ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


A great lady!

Thank you for sharing and the subtitles.


Hello Noflaye,
You have 2000 subscribers.

That proves that there are many fans of the lovely France Gall who love your work.
Thank you very much.

Best regards to you.


J'espère que Raphaël perpétue la mémoire de ses parents en faisant lui aussi du bien.. En donnant aux autres juste pour faire du bien


Merci pour ce beau souvenir d’un monde qui n’existe plus maintenant que nous vivons dans une dystopie longtemps annoncée... incroyable que son départ remonte déjà à quatre ans 😳😔❤️
