Single Women Keep Women Single? ©

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My mom said the same thing. She said don’t have certain friends around your Husband.. my life coach told me not to call my married friends after a certain hour and only if it’s important. Schedule girl time once a week…She said married women should be focused on her husband and kids. And luckily my friend and I understood and made the necessary adjustments


*I dated a chick 11 years ago who at the time was 21. I wanted to Marry her but she chose her female friend over me who wanted to sleep with me. I told her the friend was making advances and she wouldn't listen. She is now 32, no man, no children, was wronged by that same friend and now wants a family with me. I had to pass. That ship sailed. Best of luck to her.*


Was married to a woman whose Mom and two older sisters helped her end our marriage so they could hang out like they used to.
Was dating a woman whose dysfunctional sons fought against the relationship so they could hang out with Mom like they did before I arrived.
Just walked away from a relationship with a woman who had masculine energy single friends. They’re all back to being single, and I’m at peace.
Stay strong, Kings.


Honestly, It's not just about single women keep women single, it's also about fat women keep women fat, broken women keep women broken and many more negative things, and it happens in all races of women, not just black women only, no matter you're relatives or not. I'm 26 year old Asian girl, a nail technician and I can tell you that. Working with women co-workers is difficult, most of them are single moms or damaged women and they will be so jealous if you are young, well-looking, and have a nice boyfriend/family with a decent man. There was one time I got a nice purse from my pharmacist boyfriend and they badmouthed me behind my back, saying I'm a gold-digger and parasite. It's all about jealousy.


I have been with my husband for 10 years and married for 5 years! I dropped ALL my friends for my husband. I thought I was alone in this friend field and happy to know I have been on the right path. All of my old friends are single baby moms now and I am a stay at home wife with 2 children. Living a wonderful financially secured life! I won’t have to work another day in my life. I do whatever my husband needs and wants out of me. Everyone would talk crap about me that I did whatever he wants. I’m so happy I didn’t listen to my friends and mother and mother in law!


This is so true. I had to end a friendship with a college friend over my current husband. I started dating after school, and she wasn’t happy. Wanted me around as long as I was single. She was so rude to him for no reason so I ended the friendship. 12 years later, I’m married to this man, 3 kids and doing so well financially. She is still single with a child.
Ladies! Drop the dead weight or you will pay the price!


Although I have been married for 14 years, I love your show and advice. I have always had the utmost respect for my husband but due to covid and being locked in together, I have been rude and out of line. Thank you so much for taking the time to share the truth. You have helped me take a step back and look at my own behavior and not only appreciate my husband but apologize for being an ass over things that do not matter. Sometimes the truth hurts but feelings do not build a future for your bloodline.


Day 4965: the ppl who call into the show still don’t know the topic and can’t figure out how to turn off background noise on YouTube, but think they can survive the world on their own.


Last year I had to check one of wife's closest friends, because she kept repeatedly inviting my wife on single women trips. Mind you, this woman was a bridesmaid in our wedding. Her intentions were not malicious, but she could not see past what she wanted, and didn't consider what was in the best interest of our marriage. She was about to have my wife, likely the only married woman on the trip, drunk in a club with ninjas lurking all around. Not happening. Immediately after our conversation, she went completely ghost, but after a month or two, she started communicating again. I think their friendship is in a healthier place, even though they don't talk as much, because we needed boundaries established. My wife admitted that it was her responsibility to set boundaries with her friend and she apologized. Gentlemen, be cautious of your wife's single friends, because regardless of their intentions, they can cause turmoil. She is habitually single and has a PhD.


This was nothing but the 💯 truth!! When I had problems in my marriage it told me everything I needed to know about the friendships I thought I had. I had 100% support of leaving my husband to be single with them!!! My husband and I did separate but we worked it out that was 10 yrs ago. When I tell you how judged I felt for working things out they even stopped talking to me for a short period of time! I was no longer single like them. My relationship of 22yrs has been at its best in the last 10 years because I made my husband my 1# priority I have no regrets of cutting these “friends off”.


I love KS, he is a real one, he blew up and didn’t forget his friend Obsidian!!! He stays true to his real homies period!


It's nuts when the same jealous girlfriend(s) end up being the bridesmaid(s) to the woman they despise. All those fake smiles, hugs and well-wishes. 😏🎊 🎉 🎈


my mom told me once you become a wife, your friend circles and activities must change. she said married women can’t be friends with single women because they’re priorities and mindsets are different.


I had a friend who told me not to move too fast in my relationship while she was single. This girl found a guy and within the first month with that guy, ended up pregnant by him. She didn’t even follow the advice she gave me. They definitely will go through desperate attempts to “beat you to the alter”


Ive been married for 7 years. I have no single friends. In fact I dont really hang out with other women. Except when my husband and I go to his friends homes for BBQ’s and I have a great time with their wives. We get along so well and its an enjoyable time. But then I leave and focus on my family.


When you cut female friends out of your life, you are only then able to level up effectively.
You do it better without their judgement, jealousy and sabotage.
Mr Samuels is 💯


The sad part is, MOST of you women will “HATE” him while he’s here, but want to talk to him and “MISS” him when he’s gone. He’s trying to HELP women, apply and GIVE him his flowers NOW!


He is not lying!!! I said this the other day to my husband... I couldn’t figure out why certain friends were always there when I was down but went ghost the second my situation improved. 😩👌🏿


I have had “friends” drop me or say that I’ve changed because I want to spend time with my significant other (especially during the time when we didn’t live in the same state) and made a whole big deal to the point where it divided the people who we were consistently around. It hurt but I’m happier without having friends here. I’ve been happier focusing on my HENRY and our life together. We actually like to and enjoy hanging out with other black couples and go out so that the world can see - it’s possible, it’s still a thing!


Oh my Gawd! Preach, Kevin! I just had a lonely friend "shirley" call to guilt me about I'm doing too much with a high value man, because I'm not answering her phone calls when I'm with him. I told her, I will not apologize for that. I have been friends with her for over 25 years. If I lose this friend begat of this, oh well. I have a rare opportunity to cater cook and please this man. I'm giving him everything my parents groomed in me. And he's eating it up. I will NOT let her mess up me with this good man. She's lonely and miserable and angry, and clearly she wants the same for me.. I intend to grow old with him and not her! My eyes are open! Thanks Kevin for touching on this. They're all fired. ☺
