DeSmuMe Emulator Setup Tutorial & Best Configuration Guide | Play Nintendo DS Games on Your PC

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This tutorial & guide shows step-by-step instructions for getting DeSmuMe set up along with the controller, configuration at the end of the video, and using New Super Mario Bros. as the game of example.

Compatible file extensions for the game include: .zip, .nds (I'm sure there may be more but I couldn't find any list like many other emulators)

______________________________________Description Content______________________________________

1. Primary Links
2. Instructions
• Required Software – 0:19
• Install & Run Emulator – 0:51
• Config & Play - 1:37
• Graphics Configuration - 2:06
3. Music Credit
4. Essential Links
5. Common Issues & Errors w/ Fixes

_________________________________________Primary Links_________________________________________

*If taking the legal route (need your own game)

ROM Dump Tutorial

_______________________________Instructions – Required Software________________________________

All links are near the top or bottom of the description.
All software mentioned includes – AMD/Nvidia/Intel Graphics Drivers, C++, DirectX, Game file (in formats of .nds, .zip).
You can Google the download for a game file (or other appropriate format) if you choose the illegal route.

____________________________Instructions – Install & Run DeSmuMe________________________________

A - Click the link for DeSmuMe near the top of the description.
B - Once your download's finished, go to your downloads folder and unzip the file (tutorial for 7-zip also near the top of the description).
C - Open the emulator by double-clicking on the application.
D - If you want to further configure controls for a custom keyboard layout or a gampad, go to Config - Control Config. From there you should be able to input each key or button by clicking on each command and immediately pressing the desired input.
E - To open the game you want to play, go to File - Open Rom..., select the game you want to play and press "Open". Your game should've started.

_____________________________Instructions – Graphics Configuration_______________________________

A – To enter and exit full screen, use ALT+Enter during a game.
B - Go to Config, 3D Settings, Under Renderer select "OpenGL 3.2", and check "Enable Anti-Aliasing" at the bottom of the window.
C - View, Magnification Filter, Try out many different options. Some of these options will cause resizing and stretching issues. The only way around this issue that I know of is simply to revert back to other options that don't resize or stretch.

__________________________________________Music Credit__________________________________________

_________________________________________Essential Links_________________________________________

It's highly recommended to at least have C++ 2008 x64 & x86 redistributables installed.

________________________________Common Issues & Errors w/ Fixes________________________________

Рекомендации по теме

This video is not only useful, but quick and well edited
This is actually better than any other tutorial I've seen in a while
You seriously deserve a LOT MORE subscribers


this tutorial vid deserve more credits!
it's simple, informative, comunicative, short. keep up!


You know - thank you freaking verry much!
Noboddy just made ever tutorial about this emulator dude


quick tipp: If you click "Extract to (folder name)" then it will automaticly create a folder and extract it there :)


it would be nice if this emulator had a 'third screen' option where you take say the bottom streen and copy it into a new window and can stretch that one out to play that way. I've seen Youtubers do that and I even did it once, but cannot remember which setup or which emulator I used.


Great tutorial, thanks pal :)
Now i can play Animal crossing wild world^^


Your guide are pretty well made ! You should go to newer systems and make a video about 3DS and Wii U emulator ! Especially Cemu, since it's a pain in the ass to configure, download texture cache and download ROM (obviously if you own the game in disk form)


Man i wish you went over how you made the backround black and not white


Might be a stupid question, but if anybody knows how to get the black background when in full screen, and to remove the duplicated screen (whenever I enter full screen, I get a static copy of whatever screen I was on off to the left for some reason) I'd appreciate some answers, thanks.


What happens if i need to use the touch screen? Like in Mario & Luigi: Bowsers inside story during the Giga Bowser boss fights


My emulator crashes everytime I try to open the rom, help


One problem: it says i need some programm i dont remember ever having used, but i do remember using desmume back in the day. u know how to fix that?


"The code execution cannot proceed because MSVCP100.dll was not found. Reinstalling the program may fix this problem." Help Me Please


Unfortunately I've got a Surface Pro tab w a 4th gen i5 that likes to throttle while doing just about anything, so ya, I have to basically stick w all the lowest possible settings to get this to run at full speed for me. A CPU like that should be more than enough to run this at full speed even w some boosts, but not mine for some reason...


I'm trying to play on touchscreen Windows 10. How can I enable button contollls on screen?


Isn't there a way to get rid of white border lines in full screen mode?


Great tutorial! probably would've gotten a virus or something if i didn't know where to install this.


this is an awesome and helpfull video! however i have a problem concerninc the background of the emulator. You seem to have it black, but whenever i play my games or go fullscreen the background is white and it kinda hurts the eyes after a while. There are no issues with the game screen, its the background of the emulator which is white. Is there any way to make it black? sorry for the trouble, i know its an old video.


I get this little second display the seems to capture the screen on the left hand side of the emulator, how do i get rid of it?


How do I "get the gamepad ready?" I am using the Wii U adapter for the GC controller, and I'm using the driver used for Dolphin. is there a software I have to download? It doesn't work if I press buttons or move the joystick.
