Cheap Amazon vs YesWelder vs Harbor Freight vs ESAB? Best Stick Welder!

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Is the $85 WarcKing just as good as the ESAB? Is the ESAB better than Harbor Freight, YesWelder, and ArcCaptain?
I ranked them on: Price, Amps, Accessories, Warranty, Features, and how they weld.
Everything you need to know when picking a Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW), also known as stick welder.
Here are links to all the welders used in this video:
These are all DC output machines.
Other helpful items:
I ranked them on: Price, Amps, Accessories, Warranty, Features, and how they weld.
Everything you need to know when picking a Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW), also known as stick welder.
Here are links to all the welders used in this video:
These are all DC output machines.
Other helpful items:
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