Data East Nano Player Review - ALL NEW from My Arcade Dreamgear!

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After years of nothing new, My Arcade arcade cabinet toys are back on store shelves. In this review, we take a look at the next in the line of the new offerings, the Nano Player. This model is the Data East Hits variety, and boasts not only Data East titles, but also 200 more "games."
What could this new form factor mean for the future of arcade toy releases and collecting? How does it stack up to other units, and was this worth the wait?
#myarcade #retrogaming #genxgrownup
✔ S H O P M Y A R C A D E
✔ S U B S C R I B E
✔ P A T R E O N
✔ M E M B E R S H I P
✔ M E R C H
✔ P O D C A S T
✔ D I S C O R D
✔ S O C I A L
✔ W E B S I T E
✔ T H E M E
✔ S P O N S O R S
00:00 Supporter
00:39 Story So Far
01:20 Packaging
02:33 Hardware Tour
04:25 Power On
05:04 BurgerTime
05:65 Bad Dudes
06:19 Breakthru
06:50 Caveman Ninja
07:21 Heavy Barrel
08:06 Side Pocket
08:32 B-Wings
09:14 Karate Champ
09:53 "Bonus" Games
12:52 Summary
What could this new form factor mean for the future of arcade toy releases and collecting? How does it stack up to other units, and was this worth the wait?
#myarcade #retrogaming #genxgrownup
✔ S H O P M Y A R C A D E
✔ S U B S C R I B E
✔ P A T R E O N
✔ M E M B E R S H I P
✔ M E R C H
✔ P O D C A S T
✔ D I S C O R D
✔ S O C I A L
✔ W E B S I T E
✔ T H E M E
✔ S P O N S O R S
00:00 Supporter
00:39 Story So Far
01:20 Packaging
02:33 Hardware Tour
04:25 Power On
05:04 BurgerTime
05:65 Bad Dudes
06:19 Breakthru
06:50 Caveman Ninja
07:21 Heavy Barrel
08:06 Side Pocket
08:32 B-Wings
09:14 Karate Champ
09:53 "Bonus" Games
12:52 Summary