50 advanced English verbs

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In this video, I will teach you to some of the most commonly used and essential English verbs that will help take your English language skills to the next level.
Whether you're an intermediate or advanced English learner, mastering these verbs will greatly enhance your ability to communicate effectively in English. I have handpicked 50 advanced verbs that you can start incorporating into your vocabulary right away.
Each verb comes with a clear definition and examples of how to use it in context. We'll also be sharing some tips on how to remember and use these verbs effectively in your daily conversations, writing, and even job interviews.





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1.Anticipate- to expect or predict
2.Augment - to increase or enhance in size or value
3.Balk- hesitate or be unwilling to accept an idea or situation

4.Coax-to persuade or gently urge someone to do something
5.Coerce-to force someone to do something using threat or intimidation
6.Compel-to force or require someone to do something / feel the urge to do something
7.Concur -to agree
8.Condone -to accept or encourage or allow behaviour that’s is considered wrong or immoral
9.Conflate -to mix / combine two things into one
10.Contend -to complete or argue
11.Defer -to postpone or delay an action or decision
12.Deliberate -to carefully consider or discuss sm before making a decision
13.Derive - to obtains or come from a particular source
14.Discombobulate -to confuse or disorient some one
15.Disparage- insult
16.Elicit- draw out a response or reaction
17.Exacerbate- to make situation worse
18.Expedite- to make Happen faster
19.Flounder- struggle awkwardly when face a difficult situation
20.Garner- to collect something ( support/ information) garner support
21.Inflict - to cause someone experience something unpleasant
22.Innovate - creative / come up with new ideas
23.Lament - to express sorrow or regret about something
24.Manipulate- to control /influence in dishonest way
25.Meander- to follow a winding or indirect path or course / walking without purpose
26.Mitigate - to make less severe or intense
27.Obliterate - to destroy or eraser completely
28.Omit - leave something entirely
29.Patronize-to speak/ behave towards someone in a condescending way / rude
30.Perpetuate - continue or maintain usually a negative situation or behavior
31.Pursue- chase / obtain / reach a goal
32.Reconcile- agree on a problem or solve an argument / settle a disagreement
33.Revel- enjoy yourself celebrate in live/ rowdy / noisy way
34.Ruminate- to think deeply and at length
35.Scoff- to behave or speak in a very dismissive way or in mocking way
36.Scrutinize- to examine or inspect closely and carefully to notice negative things
37.Shun- to avoid or reject someone or something deliberately
38.Solicit- to ask or request for something often in. Persistent or aggressive way
39.Stall- to delay or prevent progress or action
40.Sustain- to maintain or support overtime
41.Taint- to pollute /contaminate
42.Terminate -to end something
43.Undermine -to weaken or damage
44.Unveil - to reveal/ to make something public
45.Validate - to confirm / prove
something is true or is valid
46.Verbalize - express /say something in words
47.Vouch- to affirm or guarantee something or someone’s credibility or reliability
48.Wane- to decrease in intensity or importance
49.Wreak- to cause something to happen usually harm or damage


Hi Kayla. The one thing that will improve videos like that is providing the pdf file with all the words and expressions. Because it takes to much time to do a handwriting. All the best.


Thanks very much for your course i really love you as a good teacher


Hi, Kayla! Thanks for this great lesson! Is it ok to say, "Where is it derive from?" or it's just "What is it derive from?"


Thanks for this amazing video full of knowledge. If you had given phonemic pronunciation too it would have been a cherry on top of it. Plz consider this suggestion in future if you can. Thankyou so much mam.


Thank you teacher you are amazing and I like your teaching methods. You are teaching so clear and you aren’t floundering 😊


Hi teacher,

I'm Antonio from colombia

I'm A Doctor and I really enjoy your videos

Thanks a Million


Thank you, Kayla.. Very nice explanation❤


I love the way teacher Kayla explaining each of every details of the verb❤


Her lessons are the most useful and practical for sure! Thanks a lot for all your effort👏


Instructive maam ❤ take love from Bangladesh


You deserve subscribers at least. You're doing a fantastic job, I'm always learning with you. You're an awesome comunicator!


Great lessons! Thank you so much. The best teaching I have ever heard.❤❤


Voces muitas espesial lindas de maais sabedoria sen ilgual delicades inteligentes de mais sor vces como pode tudo isso


Ur channel is so underrated, even though ur channel is amazing i hope u gonna get all the followers that u deserve soon. İm sure u will cause ur lessons are so informative and amazing. nd thank u for this amazing lesson


I learned some thing new, thank you .


Thank you, I learned a lot today as I watched your videos


You promised 50 verbs and there are 49 😉
I will wait patiently for another one 😄
Thank you and good luck!


Reconciling means settling a disagreement or difference, but restoring a disagreement or difference sounds like making them unreconciled, as in "to RESTORE or settle a disagreement or difference. 21:40 :)
