Another Depressing Twins Fact

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Playing Twins wouldn't be so bad if switching between the twins didn't take so long. Like, you lose so much time and hurt yourself just trying to use your power.


another depressing twins fact: sometimes, after successfully downing someone with Victor, if you go up a set of stairs mid-cooldown, there's a small chance you'll hit a part of the stairs hitbox that the game classes as out of bounds which will kill Victor. if you watch lynxi and hear her say "please don't die on the stairs", that's what she means


I've played against Twins so few times that I had no idea Victor could hold lockers shut.


As a Twins player, I saw the video title, sighed, and just said, "Oh please not another one."


0:40 "But I’m sure I’ve ruined their day".. he said in a slightly evil and happy voice. 😂


I really hope Twins get a proper rework to account for all exploits and anti-fun factors.


Just my two cents for changing Twins:

1. When Victor latches onto a Survivor, he now deals damage over time, like Deep Wound, but the only way to stop the timer is to get him off. This will prevent people from just kidnapping him, and while the Deep Wound timer would stop while struggling with him, it wouldn't reset, making 99-ing no longer possible. You could hold onto him for slightly longer than usual, but either you get him off or he down you.

2. When Victor downs someone either though the above means or a pounce, they can't recover or be recovered for 10 seconds.

3. When Victor checks a locker with a Survivor inside it, he instead jumps into the locker to force the Survivor out and start the scenario in 1.


Also, the current heal meta with CoH and unlimited medkits destroys this killer even harder than other killers.


I didnt know you can grab a locker as victor. That about sums up how much ive seen the twins


Victor should have a damaging bar of sorts so if you are not trying to remove him from your back he eats your face and downs you

Something like when you have the hemorrhaging effect and are trying to heal, but obviously not that fast xD


Imagine if Charlotte got more powerful while Victor was taken hostage or killed, like faster movement, vaulting speed, and break speeds. She would be upset if Victor was being messed with.


Charlotte should be able to call Victor back whenever she likes.


Most depressing twins fact: sometimes she shows up in your dailys


Victor: I got you!
Dwight: *how about we yeet to a closer hatch?*
Victor: wait what-


Thank you for exposing the most annoying killer we love u Otz


I love playing twins. It is definitely one of the hardest killers, though. and you need to have a good perk build or you're 100% losing.
When someone holds victor hostage, I literally just let them. at least most of the time. 99% of the time it's actually GOOD to have that going on. They literally have one less survivor. One survivor literally throwing the game standing around doing nothing.
I love when they hold him hostage. I focus and down and hook other survivors, kick gens, etc. while they run around doing nothing. Or sometimes, even revealing other survivors nearby to that survivor :)


As a twins main: I fully expect survivors to steal Victor. I enjoy it greatly. Because all they're doing is becoming a radar. I will know their location at all times, and possibly the locations of other survivors


I main the twins and I learned the hard way that the survivors can escape through the hatch with victor still attached 😂😂


Tips for twins

There are two major ways to play twins. Victor first or Victor second.

Victor first playstyle uses Victor mostly first to catch survivors by surprise. Stealth or oblivious perks work well with this as you can get some survivors to run into your main body on accident.

Victor first does have some weaknesses what with the survivors being able to kidnap Victor. However kidnapping Victor isn't great at the end of the game.

My recommendation is use Victor first tactics near the end of the game after you have a kill or two as a kidnapped Victor is much more of a burden then.

Victor second playstyle is more emphasis on chase. The goal is to get a survivor injured then down them with Victor and have Victor guard the body as you come back. Perks that prevent healing or cause hemorrhage can help victor track forced penance, blood echos and septic touch are fun for this. Things like cruel limits/clostrophobia, blood favor, can help to make Victor a better chaser.

The downsides to Victor second is sometimes survivors can comp corner Victor requiring you to take time an place him in a more centralized area.

It's better to open with a Victor second playstyle it let's you end chases quickly. However survivors will then be on the lookout for charlette and cheaky pallets to kill Victor. That's when it might be wise to switch it up.

My personal favorite addons are weighted rattle and spinning top.

My favorite build is hysteria, sloppy, forced penance and deadlocked. However face the darkness, thrill, Opression and eruption is another fun build


when otz says that he has done this to a twins "only" once he doesnt realize that he did it to 100% of the twins players that played twins that entire week at the same time
