BEAUTIFUL! | Home Free - Auld Lang Syne (Home Free Cover) [REACTION]

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This is so beautiful it tugs at your heart.


Even when Chris was in the group, he was seldom lead. He simply wanted to try his hand at a solo career and exploring his own musical pull which has lead on many unique journeys. He still collabs with Home Free, both as a group and individually. And Home Free themselves have been that way, creating their own label and exploring different music styles


Love your reactions and appreciation for these outstanding set of men hope you get to feeling back 100 percent


Loopie this song is hundreds of years old....not even sure who wrote it. It's an old Scottish song, and is sung when it's New Years Eve, and or birthdays or when someone is leaving homer or moving's about remenicing, Home Free nails it


Love all acapella groups but Home Free is the cream of the crop, IMO ! Such a rich, smooth sound !


Yes I can pick out Austin's voice in every song 🎵. This is how I was introduced to HF was I heard Austin's version of Unchained Melody. Give it a listen sometime. He was wonderful. Impressed my brother who didn't think anyone could do it as well as the Righteous Brothers. Keep up the great reactions.✌❤


HAPPY NEW YEAR 💥🥂💥‼️ Thank you for your reaction ‼️


Great reaction! I'm glad you are on the mend. It takes a while for your energy to come back after covid. So be patient, stay hydrated. Love your Home Free reactions! They are just so talented and a great bunch of guys. You should check out their original song ' Dreamer' it's amazing! Also if you like Austin's voice you should watch their cover of ' When a Man loves a woman'! Fantastic! Wishing you a speedy recovery! Thank you for your reaction!


Loopie, Chris said it was a difficult decision to leave Home Free but he only left to pursue a solo career & actually chose Chance as his replacement so they wouldn't be left without a baritone. He does a lot of gospel music so maybe he felt led to do that. It wasn't for any envious reasons. Home Free has never HAD a LEAD singer so that wasn't an issue. Chris still does stuff with the guys, started another group & does lectures & classes for a capella & other musical interests.
As for this song, I never liked it until Home Free's version. It was always depressing to me. This version is so beautiful, it seems warmer! Hope you're feeling better!!!


The text to “Auld Lang Syne” was written by the Scottish poet Robert Burns in 1788. The music that has become the standard for the song in 1799 was a traditional tune that pre-dated the song. It is a deeply cherished song to the Scots, and English speaking people around the world use it to say farewell to the past year at midnight on New Year’s Eve. The title is literally translated as “old long since”, but it basically means “old times past” or “times gone by.”


Love your reactions. Couple of requests. Home Free, "I can't outrun you", Adam Chance on the lead vocals. And HF with The Oak Ridge Boys and Jeffrey East doing "Beautiful Star 🌟 of Bethlehem". A great example of true vocal mastery as 11 men who do not sing together, hit one out of the park. No production wizardry or weeks / months of rehearsing together, just grab the mic and entertain. PLUS you will get to hear Austin Brown (a.k.a. Country Jesus), let his Tifton Georgia twang shine through. Richard Sturban is the bass for the Oaks and he and Tim compliment each other so well even though their bass tamber is markedly different!


Chris Rupp is my favorite tenor and solo artist. I actually didn’t become a Home Fry until 2020 because my favorite vocalists in the band (Chris and Adam Rupp) weren’t highlighted in the videos that introduced to Home Free. I heard a detailed interview with Chris. He left because the other guys wanted to do more serious themed music and not do the funny bits. He said he wasn’t having fun anymore. He is the fun person in the band. He came up with the butts remix, and loved doing the goofy skits like guilty pleasures. Full of Cheer and All About that bass are some of my favorite videos.


I got this song title confused with Same Old Lang Syne (which I hope they cover!!) but I added this to my playlist. I know you want your reactions to be more interactive but with this song, you were more expressive with your face so you were still reacting lol. I especially enjoyed your double-take when Austin first came in lol. I also licked my like button 😝 HA! Anyway, hope you feel better soon!


Wonderful! Just the best. Those harmonies. Chris left to go solo and join his sister too. She sings too. He’s done some wonderful songs with Tim Foust (the bass). The guy you’re pointing to is Austin, the high tenor. Just to refresh you: Tim Foust, bass, Adam “Chance” baritone/bass, Rob Lundquist tenor, Austin Brown high tenor, Adam Rupp beatboxer and tenor when he sings. Good reaction. Hope you feel better soon.


HF “Hopelessly Hoping “ is definitely a must for you
I also recommend “Try Everything”


Chris Rupp did an interview with reactor QoFy last August and in it explained he reasons for leaving the group. I recommend having a listen to the interview. It contains a lot of interesting information about his career both with HF and now solo.


Chris Rupp left to pursue a solo career. He has collabed with them, and is still very friendly with the, .


This song was heard on New Years every year when I was growing up. I thank you for reacting to it!


The beatboxer is the founders brother and the two started the group together


Austin Brown has a YouTube channel where he showcases his solo work. Recommended. Thanks!
