Leaflet JS Tutorial || Add Shapefile In Leaflet || Leaflet Series || GeoFox || Leaflet #7

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Hello everyone, In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to create add shape file to the Leaflet map.

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--------------------------- My Other Videos ---------------------------------

Do watch my other videos:

Create A Map Layer Using Leaflet:

Add A Marker To The Map Layer:

Use Different Map Tile Layer In Leaflet:

Add Google Map To Your Website:

Layer Group And Control In Leaflet:


leaflet, leaflet js, leaflet web mapping, web mapping, create a map using leaflet, how to add a map in a website, how to create map in a website, how to create web map, how to create a web map using leaflet, how to create web map using HTML,CSS and javascript, create a web map using leaflet, add marker to the map, popup in the map, add marker to the map in leaflet, leaflet map marker, use different map tile layer, map tile layer, leaflet tile layers, leaflet map, tile layers, add google map to your website, how to add google map to your website, google map in website, google map in website, google map layer in website, google map, how to add google map to the website, how to add google map in website, add google map in website, how to add satellite image in website, how to add satellite map in website, how to add satellite imagery to the website, how to add satellite and google map to website, geoJSON with Leaflet, leaflet geojson, use geojson with leaflet, how to add geojson data in map, how to add point, line and polygon data in map, geojson data in map, shape file, shape file in leaflet, shape file in leaflet map, leaflet shape file, how to add shape file in leaflet, how to add shape file in web map, leaflet web mapping, add custom map in leaflet, how to add map in leaflet, add custom map in leaflet web map.
Рекомендации по теме

LIfe saver. Im new to map and this alone has saved my job


Hello. How to add playback for multiple markers in leaflet map. please guide. please make a video on the same.


Hello Sir, how did you get the shapefile of Nepal, the boundary?


but how to do it programmatically?? load the shapefile and convert it to geojson


Good video!
However... it seems that it's not working because of the weight of my json file. Does anyone has any idea on how to resolve this problem?


I followed your steps but it says invalid geojson object


hi can i use google satellite image in leaflet for free?


Thanks but through this process it looses attribute data.


Gimana cara mengatasi data shp yg dirubah ke.js tidak terbaca
