Nuclear Power and Secure Energy Transitions

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Nuclear Power and Secure Energy Transitions: From Today’s Challenges to Tomorrow’s Clean Energy Systems is a new report that will look at how nuclear energy could help address two major crises – energy and climate – facing the world today. It will examine the potential role of nuclear among the options for governments to develop more diverse and domestically based supplies in light of the disruptions caused by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

The report will build upon the IEA’s landmark report, Net Zero by 2050: A Roadmap for the Global Energy Sector to examine in depth nuclear power’s potential role as a source of low emissions electricity that is available on demand to complement the leading role of renewables such as wind and solar in the transition to electricity systems with net zero emissions.

In this context, the report will examine the difficulties facing nuclear investment, particularly in advanced economies, in the areas of cost, performance, safety and waste management. For countries where nuclear power is considered an acceptable part of the future energy mix, the report will identify the potential policy, regulatory and market changes that could be implemented in order to create new investment opportunities. It will also look at the role of new technologies, particularly small modular reactors, and their potential development and deployment.
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15 Oct 2022


1 The Principal Components
Build a 100m tall Cylindrical Tower
A good portion of it to be below ground for stability and
other technical reasons

The Tower will consist of 12 x 2m diameter Towers
wrap round like a clock face

Inside each of the 12 Towers Is a 20T Steel Disc fitting good
With a Hoist at Ground Level by the side of each Tower

2 The Works
Once the Steel Disc is hoisted up to the Tower top
It will be released for a GUIDED FREE FALL
Acting like a Bicycle Pump

Only 4 Steel Disc shall be released at any one time
To compress the air inside the Tower pushing the compressed air
through a series of stepdown narrow pipes with Multiple Outlets
to spin a large Magnetic Induced TESLA TURBINE for Power Generation

Hopefully this should be enough to produce a 200 Bar Force to spin
the Generator for at least 3600 rpm

3 Other Considerations
i) The Impacting Force and Noise and Shock Vibrations
can be mediated by fastening 6 number of 1m x 10cm Steel Pistons
at the edge of the Steel Disc guided into 6 Cushion Release Pipes
similar to cabinet doors ANTI SLAM Stoppers

Spring Loaded High Impact Absorbing Pads may also be added
to the bottom of the Tower where the Steel Disc hit to reduce
Impact Force and to absorb Vibrations

ii) A One Way Air Vent is required at the bottom pit of the Tower
to avoid Vaccum Effect so to free the Steel Disc to be hoisted up

iii) To reduce maintenance of the Tower Shafts
A Ring Corridor should be constructed at the top of Main Tower
to only allow CLEAN and DRIED FILTERED Air to be drawn into
the Tower

iv) Lubricants would be sprayed onto the wall of the inner Tower
at timed intervals to reduce frictions

v) All the Air EXIT PIPES shall be wrapped within pipes with COOLANTS

vi) The 12 Hoists are being powered by their own efforts

vii) Very little modifications needed to be done to the Existing Power Plants

viii) Nuts and Bolts issues are omitted

All The Best
Hope the GOD given Free Air and Free Gravitation Force can give us a
Truly Green source of Energy


Jimmy Yeo
