Hermit Skies 12 | GIANT CHANCE CUBES | Minecraft Modded Project Ozone Lite

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Today on Hermit Skies we open dozens of Chance Cubes.

Hermit Skies is a Modded Minecraft Series that will be seen on this channel every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. This series is being played in Minecraft 1.10.2 in the Project Ozone Lite Modpack. Join me as we start our journey into the realm of Modded Minecraft.

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Project Ozone is a publicly available modpack available on the Twitch launcher.

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Intro: 'Daydream' by Ason ID
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8:42 GREAT reaction time. That was awesome!!!


cub never be over the void when opening chance cube it can switch your items with dead bush


"Chances are high, I could die, or suffer a similarly traumatic experience..." LOL. Cub, thanks for an amazing video, and I wish you, and yours a wonderful Christmas / holiday! Keep up the great works! :)


I salute you and your charged creeper killing reflexes!


8:43. Cub. You have the skills to pay the bills. Or in this case, the skills to prevent massive server lag.


For future reference, those glass domes are actually called terrariums. Unless I am somehow mistaken, there is one for every vanilla biome. Only the ocean and snow ones would be affected by the Nether as neither can exist in the Nether. (Meaning that if either spawned, you would get an incomplete structure in the Nether. )


LOVE the cube opening - but holy... that charged creeper about gave me a heart attack! Great reflexes, Cub!!


I would recommend a angel block, that way you don’t have place a line of blocks. Just go out and place it in the air and start building. Keep up the awesome videos!


Cub that reaction was inhuman! Easily my favorite hermit. Keep up the great work!


Hook your farming stations into ender chests and hook corresponding ender chests into your drawer controller (or a controller slave close to it) to keep all your items together.

Make 2 ender pouches. 1 hooked into your storage system to send items back wherever you are. 2 hooked into an essential ender chest with food, backup gear, storage keys, wrenches.

Fight the wither and get to the mining dimension. (You will need a LOT of cobble stone)

"Borrow" a bucket or two of molten infinity from xB/Wels (they won't mind) and make an epic sword of awesomeness and a pick for the mining dimension/deep dark. Make sure to link the storages so you won't get bombarded with items.

When you have the resources, Extreme reactors are pretty easy to make and will power every single thing you have and then some for the rest of the series.

Helpful tip for ender chests, using a diamond on the lock makes them personal to you. But other people can still access the chest. The diamond just makes it so someone else can't make a chest that links up to yours.

Ender chests are your friend.


I love how you open chance cubes. Most hermits just run away really far, which means they miss the text message of what happened and in some cases break the effect. If your too far stuff that targets your inventory or the like won't work. That said even with a level 3 chance pendant it does seem like most of them are bad or weird. Btw you can make them I believe if it's in this mod pack. I think it takes Lapis to make a normal chance cube and then you can compress a bunch of those into a Giant Chance cube.


Chance cubes: NOT for vein-mining! But great reflexes there with the creeper.


That was fun cub. Also, Good reaction times!


Just for future reference giant chance cubes are the only ones worth opening. When it spawned in that cluster of chance cubes that you veinmined, you need to update one of them then it'll turn into a giant chance cube. Also have a chance pendent in your inventory. If a chance cube spawns a large structure, like the double rainbow or nether dome place the next chance cube on top of it because the chance cubes will sometimes mess up because of structures.


as we dont know if you figured it out, i figured id mention it in case you didnt. in scars video i saw that you were chatting about growing awakened draconium. the block under the block you plant it in needs to be an awakened draconium crux. the same goes for nether stars, you need a nether star crux.


cub, you are playing with fire seriously! you know there is a nuke in the icosahedron and it might wipe out your base if you are not far enough. there is clear inventory chance cube too. man that charged creeper almost got you.


Also, fun fact about the Record Fragments: they're not totally useless. By default, they're used to craft the Infinity Catalyst; however, when Avaritia is used with MineFactory Reloaded, that recipe is changed, because MFR lets you copy records, which would make the fragments too easy to get. So they only have a use if you *don't* have MFR in the pack :) #TheMoreYouKnow


Might want to add more torches on the top of your drawers so stuff does not spawn up there.

Just so you know one of the lucky blocks outcomes can swap out all your items for dried brush which would very bad if flying over the void. The items get dropped on the ground.


You should repair the dome & make it the official ChanceCubIsland


Video: Chance cubes: about 2:00
not chance cubes: 20:00
