Kobe Bryant Dead at 41: Remembering Basketball Star’s Legacy On and Off The Court

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Basketball superstar Kobe Bryant died Sunday in a helicopter crash near Los Angeles at the age of 41. The crash killed all nine people on board, including Bryant’s 13-year-old daughter Gianna and beloved college baseball coach John Altobelli, his wife Keri and their 13-year-old daughter Alyssa. They were heading to a youth basketball game. Bryant won five NBA championships, two Olympic gold medals and was crowned an All-Star 18 times. He played for the L.A. Lakers for 20 years before retiring in 2016. Gianna Bryant reportedly hoped to one day play for the University of Connecticut women’s basketball team. Tributes continue to pour in on social media from fans, athletes and other public figures. But some are also calling on the media and supporters not to forget a sexual assault allegation from early in his career. We speak with Dave Zirin, sports editor for The Nation and host of the Edge of Sports podcast, and Fatima Goss Graves, president and CEO of the National Women’s Law Center.


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This is disgusting broadcasting and I am appalled by the like/dislike ratio at this moment. For Democracy Now's other video the comment section was even blocked.


I love democracy now, but WOW how vile to decide to HIGHLIGHT the one bad thing in Kobe's career that we know about. It's barely the day after his death...this is sooo WACK!!
, but when they decided to report all the horrible things that John McCain did the day after his death, I thought was VILE as well...and I NEVER supported John McCain, but dang on the day after his death....TASTELESS!!!


The announcement of the sexual assault charges against Kobe Bryant was completely unnecessary. Props to Dave Zirin for that clarity in checking Amy Goodman and Democracy Now.


This was a strange and awkward segment. I believe this highlights the complexities of reporting on famous influential people who tragically pass leaving the public with deep sorrow and confusion. Kobe was a real person who was just like all of us; neither all bad nor all good. I think that this piece could have been better if instead of focusing so bluntly on his rape allegation and subsequent settlement they perhaps could have spoken about it in the context of other examples in the past where serious misdeeds have never been addressed and how this idolizing of fallen heroes can become more important than the truth. I just don’t know if the way to do this is to report on a death the very next day and then immediately link it to the worst thing that this person ever had done. It felt disrespectful to his daughter’s story, the other child who died, and the seven others in the crash as well as all of their families who must be in shock and intense pain. What purpose did linking a rape allegation do in this instance specifically? What point was being made? I did not hear any real answers from the guests, nor did I sense any reason why this was necessary to speak about now. What was the point? I hope they learn from this. It felt forced and unempathetic. I also took issue with the first guest speaking to the Democracy Now audience as if they could not possibly be basketball fans or understand the significance of Kobe to the sport. As if watching this program negates the ability to be a sports fan. Honestly this entire segment was so unlike the usual thoughtful approach.


This is tragic, he was too young to die esp since his precious daughter passed with him. Nobody is perfect so it's important that public figures be remembered fairly as human beings not "gods."


This is what pisses me off about the media. I don’t care if Kobe’s famous or not. 9 people’s lives were cut short because of fatal accident and y’all wanna bring up some BS from 17 years ago that’s been debunked and try to smear this man when he’s not here. I would get if it was Harvey Weinstein or R Kelly, but I just find it inappropriate because he has a daughter who when this happened was so distraught by losing two of the most important people in her life that she started hyperventilating and had to be hospitalized because her asthma triggered it. Y’all couldn’t give this man one day of honor and space for his family and friends to grieve and had to bring that crap up. His mistakes are between him and his wife and God and only God can judge him. So when one of your heroes dies or one of your family members dies and want someone to feel sorry for you. People are gonna remember the BLATANT lack of respect you gave this man’s family. Y’all act like y’all are so perfect, but you probably have all types of skeletons in your closet that you don’t wanna share. Yes I was a big fan of his so I admit I’m biased, but the fact that you people won’t let people learn and grow from mistakes they make when they’re younger shows me that you’re willing to throw anyone under the bus even your own friends even if they’re wrongfully accused. And you wonder why some black people don’t trust some white people like you. I mean seriously where was this energy for Kirk Douglas or Paul Walker who allegedly got a 13 year old girl pregnant?


Come on Amy, the man just died barely 24 hours ago with his daughter right next to him and you chose to throw him under the bus for something where he was never convicted, never found guilty, and she settled for $$.


I'm no fan of tall millionaires, but goddamn, bringing up the rape allegation was in poor taste.


Amy seems so disinterested in this story.


Awe man, he settled the rape case, apologized in a way which might have brought a awareness to people who maybe need to understand that what they think is consensual, may actually not be. But y’all LEAD with this story. 🤮 And you DWELL on it later on, like you are some sick ass psychic vampire, getting off on it. Yucky, Amy, what is wrong with you?


Was this a bit crazy or I’m hearings things ?


Kobe Bryant made mistakes just like any human being, but the big difference between Kobe and most people is that he learned from his mistakes and made up for them. That is a sign of a real man. What he did after that incident in 2003 more than makes up for what he was accused of. Jesus said that he who is without sin cast the first stone, meaning that anyone who has ever made a mistake cannot judge another person for theirs. I chose to remember Kobe Bryant as a man who tried to be the best man he could be and not for his shortcomings.


Not sure why you’re bringing up rape in this man’s death. Shame on you.


Bringing up past allegations is gross and irrelevant to this story.


Too soon. Distasteful coverage and inappropriate of you, I'm disappointed in DN.


"We have to think about how it is we talk about legacies. Its often too easy to forget the bad part"


You really had to do this ? People are so low


You can tell this host is completely disinterested. They only posted about Kobe’s death to “ride the YouTube algorithm wave”. I’ve followed this channel for years, but I’ve unsubscribed because of this garbage.


NPR can we let his family morn instead bringing up the ugly. Let Kobe and daughter rest in peace.😢😢


Amy. Wtf. That was awful in every way. Unsubscribed.
Enjoy Davos.
