Adopting PgCat, Time Bins, work_mem Settings, Bad Constraints | Scaling Postgres 257

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In this episode of Scaling Postgres, we discuss Instacart adopting PgCat, binning or bucketing your data by time, the best settings for work_mem and how to avoid bad check constraints.

Want to learn more about Postgres performance?

00:00 - Intro
00:28 - Adopting PgCat: A Nextgen Postgres Proxy
04:16 - PgCat
04:23 - Easy PostgreSQL Time Bins
07:35 - Everything you know about setting `work_mem` is wrong.
09:47 - Breaking your PostgreSQL database with bad CHECK constraints
12:59 - Inside logical replication in PostgreSQL: How it works
13:45 - System roles – what, why, how?
14:26 - How collation works
14:52 - The Wonders of Postgres Logical Decoding Messages
16:07 - UUIDs vs Serial for Primary Keys - what's the right choice?
16:57 - PostgreSQL Patch of Interest (To Me): Documentation Linking
17:28 - Building an AI-powered ChatBot using Vercel, OpenAI, and Postgres
16:54 - pg_timetable v5.3 is out!
17:53 - Upgrades
18:15 - Vincent Picavet
18:24 - Features Your Editor Should Have With Amir Rajan | Rubber Duck Dev Show 78
18:50 - Outro
Рекомендации по теме

pgbouncer does not load-balance queries.


Can you please add a toc for video with all timestamps for all topcis and put it in video description please? That should be helpful
It is a real pain to check for any interesting topic (Moving forward/backward).
Thanks in advance
