On chronic alcoholic intoxication : with an inquiry into the influence of the abuse of a...
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On chronic alcoholic intoxication : with an inquiry into the influence of the abuse of alcohol as a predisposing cause of disease by William MARCET (1828 - 1900)
Genre(s): Medical, Psychology
Read by: Curt Walton in English
00:00:00 - 01 - Introduction - On the Action of Alcohol in Health
00:35:52 - 02 - On Chronic Alcoholic Intoxication - Symptoms of Chronic Alcoholism
01:04:56 - 03 - Causes Predisposing to Chronic Alcoholism
01:42:54 - 04 - Immediate Causes of an Attack of Chronic Alcoholic Intoxication
01:54:43 - 05 - Affections of the Nervous System Resembling Chronic Alcoholic Intoxication
02:02:47 - 06 - Treatment of Chronic Alcoholism Intoxication - Physiological Properties of Oxide of Zinc
02:36:57 - 07 - Therapeutical Properties of Oxide of Zinc - Chronic Alcoholism Treated with Oxide of Zinc
02:53:13 - 08 - Class I. - Division I. Cases of Chronic Alcoholism not complicated by other diseases, and occurring During the Period of Intemperance
03:08:11 - 09 - Class I. - Division II. Cases of Chronic Alcoholism not complicated by other symptoms, and occurring in patients having resumed habits of sobriety.
03:18:00 - 10 - Class II. - Division I. Cases of Chronic Alcoholism, accompanied by other symptoms, and occurring during the period of excessive drinking.
03:25:28 - 11 - Class II. - Division II. Cases of Chronic Alcoholism complicated by other symptoms, and ocurring after the habit of exessive drinking had been given up.
03:29:36 - 12 - Observations on Synoptical Table
03:39:40 - 13 - An Inquiry into the Influence of the Abuse of Alcohol as a Predisposing Cause of Disease - Appendix
Physician William Marcet treated numerous cases of acute alcoholism (delirium tremens) and chronic alcoholism. He suggests gastrointestinal disease, gout and rheumatism are diseases associated with chronic alcoholism and might either be the cause or the result. Many of his patients complaining of gout, rheumatism, giddiness, sleeplessness, sore stomach, ringing in the ears, flashing specks of light, etc were in fact suffering from chronic alcoholism from recent drinking or days long gone and did not know it. He also discusses cases of nervous conditions that he treated with Oxide of Zinc, saying that the patient benefited by increased sleep and that there were no evil results. Before treatment, a patient suffering from chronic alcoholism, was expected to quit using spirituous liquors on their own although Marcet might prescribe the patient to drink moderate amounts of alcohol.He states that the 'alcoholic poisoning' may lie latent for some time then suddenly burst forth causing an attack of symptoms of chronic alcoholism. In Roesch's example, a patient who has suffered from acute (delirium tremens) or chronic alcoholism suffering from inflammation of the lungs may also suffer from delirium tremens during a period of not drinking any alcohol (p61).This reading does not include the data tables summarizing case studies and other information, which are available in the online text. ( Curt Walton)
Genre(s): Medical, Psychology
Read by: Curt Walton in English
00:00:00 - 01 - Introduction - On the Action of Alcohol in Health
00:35:52 - 02 - On Chronic Alcoholic Intoxication - Symptoms of Chronic Alcoholism
01:04:56 - 03 - Causes Predisposing to Chronic Alcoholism
01:42:54 - 04 - Immediate Causes of an Attack of Chronic Alcoholic Intoxication
01:54:43 - 05 - Affections of the Nervous System Resembling Chronic Alcoholic Intoxication
02:02:47 - 06 - Treatment of Chronic Alcoholism Intoxication - Physiological Properties of Oxide of Zinc
02:36:57 - 07 - Therapeutical Properties of Oxide of Zinc - Chronic Alcoholism Treated with Oxide of Zinc
02:53:13 - 08 - Class I. - Division I. Cases of Chronic Alcoholism not complicated by other diseases, and occurring During the Period of Intemperance
03:08:11 - 09 - Class I. - Division II. Cases of Chronic Alcoholism not complicated by other symptoms, and occurring in patients having resumed habits of sobriety.
03:18:00 - 10 - Class II. - Division I. Cases of Chronic Alcoholism, accompanied by other symptoms, and occurring during the period of excessive drinking.
03:25:28 - 11 - Class II. - Division II. Cases of Chronic Alcoholism complicated by other symptoms, and ocurring after the habit of exessive drinking had been given up.
03:29:36 - 12 - Observations on Synoptical Table
03:39:40 - 13 - An Inquiry into the Influence of the Abuse of Alcohol as a Predisposing Cause of Disease - Appendix
Physician William Marcet treated numerous cases of acute alcoholism (delirium tremens) and chronic alcoholism. He suggests gastrointestinal disease, gout and rheumatism are diseases associated with chronic alcoholism and might either be the cause or the result. Many of his patients complaining of gout, rheumatism, giddiness, sleeplessness, sore stomach, ringing in the ears, flashing specks of light, etc were in fact suffering from chronic alcoholism from recent drinking or days long gone and did not know it. He also discusses cases of nervous conditions that he treated with Oxide of Zinc, saying that the patient benefited by increased sleep and that there were no evil results. Before treatment, a patient suffering from chronic alcoholism, was expected to quit using spirituous liquors on their own although Marcet might prescribe the patient to drink moderate amounts of alcohol.He states that the 'alcoholic poisoning' may lie latent for some time then suddenly burst forth causing an attack of symptoms of chronic alcoholism. In Roesch's example, a patient who has suffered from acute (delirium tremens) or chronic alcoholism suffering from inflammation of the lungs may also suffer from delirium tremens during a period of not drinking any alcohol (p61).This reading does not include the data tables summarizing case studies and other information, which are available in the online text. ( Curt Walton)