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Lowe Athens: Στη νέα ταινία της Lowe Athens για το τυρί Adoro Light 10% βλέπουμε πού οδηγεί η λαχτάρα για απολαυστικό κίτρινο τυρί! Πρωταγωνιστής, ένας συμπαθέστατος άντρας που μπροστά στo τυράκι που τόσο πεθύμησε, απαρνιέται ακόμα και το χόμπι του να κοιτάζει τα άστρα και… την απέναντι πολυκατοικία! Το βλέμμα του προσπερνάει αδιάφορα δύο όμορφες γυναίκες και σταματάει μόνο όταν απέναντι βρίσκει μια τοστιέρα μέσα στην οποία ψήνεται ένα τοστ με προκλητικό κίτρινο τυρί. Η λύση έρχεται από τη γυναίκα του που τον «συλλαμβάνει» να κοιτάζει τα... ξένα τυριά και του φέρνει κάτι νέο. Το Adoro Light 10%, το απολαυστικό κίτρινο τυρί που μπορείς να ευχαριστηθείς γιατί έχει μόνο 10% λιπαρά. Παραγωγή: Boo Productions, Σκηνοθέτης: Μπάμπης Μακρίδης.
The new TV spot by Lowe Athens for Adoro Light 10% cheese, celebrates the craving for mouthwatering yellow cheese! Our protagonist is a genial man willing to give up his favorite hobby – gazing at the starts through his telescope – in search of new delights. On this night, his telescope zeroes in on the apartment block across the street. His stare indifferently overlooks two beautiful women, stopping only after spotting a toaster grilling a cheese sandwich. The solution arrives from his wife who catches him in the act and brings out something new: Adoro Light 10%! The delicious green cheese with only 10% fat. The spot was created for Optima S.A and directed by Babis Makridis through Boo Productions.
The new TV spot by Lowe Athens for Adoro Light 10% cheese, celebrates the craving for mouthwatering yellow cheese! Our protagonist is a genial man willing to give up his favorite hobby – gazing at the starts through his telescope – in search of new delights. On this night, his telescope zeroes in on the apartment block across the street. His stare indifferently overlooks two beautiful women, stopping only after spotting a toaster grilling a cheese sandwich. The solution arrives from his wife who catches him in the act and brings out something new: Adoro Light 10%! The delicious green cheese with only 10% fat. The spot was created for Optima S.A and directed by Babis Makridis through Boo Productions.