Feeding in the Greenhouse, a Plot Tour and a Day Trip! Plus plans for the fox... Ep 229 || Plot 37

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Happier week this week despite the fox activity continuing! But i'm making plans to stop them digging in the beds (prototype next week). The girlies have a taste of the old days (freedom). Two day trips... To The Conservatory at the Barbican and to Kew Horticultural Fair.

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Did I miss the arrival of a gorgeous new girlie, she is beautiful 🥰🌱


The Barbican Centre conservatory looks lovely, thanks for showing us around.

It must be hard to keep replanting things so often - I hope you get the hoops protection done soon - it sounds like a good plan. And at least you have discovered the Pak Choi is very resilient - if all else fails just grow lots of that. Last year I grew some in my home garden and it got slugged but this year I have an allotment and it is growing much better there. The young leaves in salads taste so nice.
Good luck with your fox defenses. 😊


Pears ripen from the inside out, so if you leave them on the tree until you think they're 'ripe' they will be rotten inside. Pick them and let them ripen in the house. :) Greetings from New Zealand. I'm home in bed sick and itching to get outside into my neglected garden as we're days away from the first day of sprint. I've discovered your channel and I just love it. Been consuming your backlist like a crazy-woman!!! Especially love your girlies. Mine drag me out of my sick bed to attend to their daily needs.


Ooh I do love a little plot 37 day trip 😁...hope the fox proofing goes to plan.


This episode was soooo rich with content, I want to talk about everything just as much as you do! Maybe train a LOOFAH vine on the apricot tree. The vines grow way too big, they might as well be up a damn tree so you can grow other things too, lol. AND you get scrubbies for the bath and kitchen! A rare non-food item that’s useful.


Pears - I leave mine on the tree till I want them in a few days, pick a few and they ripen on the bench inside. Have three varieties in my garden NZ. Thank goodness the biggest pests I have are a few birds that get a few fruit before I do . Good luck with the pests


You poor girl ! It says alot about you that you keep persevering!😊


Hi Jessie and your Mum, thanks for sharing your visit to the Barbacan Centre it's lovely. Oh no! Those foxes are a bloody pain, your poor plants! We have just harvested our conference pears, and yes, you ripen them at home. Your polytunnel & greenhouse are looking good. Hope those foxes, stay away. Thanks for sharing and take care 😊


Thank you for sharing your amazing visit to the Barbican. Thoroughly enjoyed it.Jessie, you don't leave pears to ripen pn the tree but pick them and ripen them at home as you suspected. Happy gardening :-)


What a year, hot, cold, wet, dry. Add all of this to pests and diseases. Could we ask for more, but on the upside, the potatoes, greenhouse tomatoes gave me a bumper crop. Hopefully next year will be better. Thanks for another great video.


I’ve got only one zinnia plant that made it this year. Everyone has had such a difficult growing year, don’t be disheartened - be grateful for what you do have and the joyful days you spent at your lotty. Xxx


Pears are ready when they come off when you lift them (put the bottom bulby end up on top of the stalk and the stalk should break off from the plant). And then, yes, ripen at home. If you don't want them all to ripen at once you can store some in the refrigerator for a few weeks and take them out bit by bit.


Seeing your beds being destroyed must be so heartbreaking Jessie. I’m impressed by your stoic attitude. Slainte from Scotland 🍻


I always love watching your videos. The trips around London and other places in England are a joy. I have yet been successful in growing chickpeas but they are on my list to try again this year (almost spring here in New Zealand so garden planning and seed sowing in full swing). I have heard that the young fresh green chickpea is delicious so I will be growing them for fresh eating rather than for dried peas.


I've just got to say your girlie's are absolutely beautiful! What lovely colours. I have two squirrels in my garden, and they haven't touched my sweetcorn, I'm pleased to say. Yours are very naughty and I really feel for you. Your allotment vlogs always make my day so keep up the good work 👏 😊


Love mums stripe top, just instantly fell in love with it, colours look great on her.
Keep up the phenomenal protection Jess you will reap the rewards next year


Brill visit to the Barbican conservatory…thank you. I’m a Londoner born & bred…know the area…but have never been into the conservatory! Fascinating…Jinxy😀


I've seen some growers put socks over their sweetcorn, after the silks turn brown, to keep out predators. You and Mum are doing staunch work to protect your crops, I so hope the new plans work out.


Wonderful video, Jess. I do hope your new solution regarding the foxes, squirrels, etc, will do the trick!! Thank you for taking us along on your little jaunts. Have a lovely day. Take care.


You are so beautiful, and also your garden is fantastic!
