$1,000 Per Month in Dividends (How Much Money Do You Need Invested?)

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$1,000 Per Month in Dividends (How Much Money Do You Need Invested?)

Reaching the $1,000 point in monthly dividend income is an exciting milestone. Will it allow you to retire as funds are deposited into your account for doing nothing? Most likely not, but with the accelerating interest and compounding effect, you might get there sooner than you’d think. $1,000 is enough where it can have a noticeable impact on your finances and you’ll be happy seeing your investments start producing this much income. Once your account becomes this large, you’ll likely become more dedicated to growing that account to where you can live your dream lifestyle and retire. How much money do you need invested to safely generate this much income? Let’s look at some different scenarios and you can see how much money you need to earn $1,000 per month in dividends and stay to the end to learn how to decide the best option for you.
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From $7K to $45K that's the minimum range of profit return every week I thinks it's not a bad one for me, now I have enough to pay bills and take care of my family.


If I had $360k I would invest $100k in tech & $260k into dividend stock with a proven track record to grow with capital appreciation & dividend increase year over year


Amazing video, A friend of mine referred me to a financial adviser sometime ago and we got to talking about investment and money. I started investing with $150k and in the first 2 months, my portfolio was reading $274, 800. Crazy right!, I decided to reinvest my profit and get more interesting. For over a year we have been working together making consistent profit just bought my second home 2 weeks ago and care for my family.


Direct, and informative. No jokes, no weird references. No person in front of the camera waving their hands around while speaking. I like this.


I'm not nowhere near $1, 000 divident per month but I can say I'm on my way to it. Good luck on everyone's journey


Successful people don't become that way overnight. What most people see at a glance wealth, a great career l, purpose is the result of hard work and hustle over time. I pray that anyone who reads this will be successful in life .


100k is basically the bare minimum unless u can find a higher risk high dividend
QYLD is a etf with 10% monthly dividend consistent for 7 years. RYLD is a 11.56% dividend. It's price never moves much


$1k is not that much in some places. But it may cover 100% of expenses for others!


I shoot for stocks paying 2-5% with less than an 80% payout ratio. I like to let the dividends build up in my account and reinvest them when something on my radar gets unreasonably beat up, or when the market in general takes a dip and everything goes on sale. Sitting on about 3500 a month dividends in my late 30s, so its working well for me. I've found that tracking compared to the index I'm about even with it...its just my up years aren't typically up as much and my down years aren't down as much. For example 2 years ago when the index was up about 20% I was only up about 10%, and last year when the index was down about 20%, I ended up pretty close to even on the year, but accumulated more shares, so I'll be setting personal highs in my account long before the index sets a new high.


I'm glad your video came into my recommend video.I feel like this would be great for a beginner looking for dividend investing.great job👍.


QYLD. It isn't going to grow much, but being that it's only writing covered calls it's fairly safe. And ~12% yield, it doesn't need to grow.


Altria isn't the best example though. Theye still increasing their dividend 8% a year etc


I could retire easily on the invested amount and not care about dividends.


$1, 000 a month is a great milestone and goal. Good advice to do research and go after a balance of yield and growth - a fellow creator. ;)


Keep in mind that the retirement options are not only “invest everything in growth stocks” vs “invest everything in dividend stocks”. In order to have good diversification, neither of those is a good plan. Have your portfolios in broad stock funds (eg. S&P 500), small cap growth & value, international and emerging markets, Dividend funds, REITs, sector funds not highly correlated with market as a whole, commodities, bonds and cash. At a younger age, you might not have much in commodities, dividends, bonds, sectors, etc. but as you get closer to retirement, skew your investments towards some of the more conservative options! I still plan on having 60-70% of my investments in stocks (of many sorts) at retirement, but will also have some balanced investments, bonds, and cash.


Fantastic video, Chris! I could not agree more in that reaching $1, 000 in monthly dividend income is a exciting milestone considering the fact that you'd be receiving $1, 000 for doing ABSOLUTELY NOTHING except for relaxing and of course if you really wanted to, you could retire by way of moving to Thailand which plenty of people do. In my opinion, not a bad idea whatsoever living large on a dime, literally! Either which way, DGI is a great way to accumulate wealth over time and safety... DGI for the win!


What do you think QYLD and RYLD which are high percentage of dividends? Are they risky for long term?


Top choices for a dividend portfolio based on what i've learned so far. JEPI, NUSI, SCHD, VYM, QYLD.


What is your opinion on AT&T and BTI stocks? AT&T atm is quite low on the price and the price for the divident is quite good, the other part BTI is pretty stable and they have a 2.9~$ divident per year/per stock which is around 9%


On top of the dividend angle, sell OTM covered calls to generate more income.
