Parts of plants | Different parts of plants | Part of plants and their functions | Class 1 EVS

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Parts of plants | Different parts of plants | Part of plants and their functions | Class 1 EVS

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Plants are an important part of human life and vegetation as well. They are very beneficial to us and give us a lot of things. We are surrounded by plants, but have you ever stopped to notice the parts of a plant? All parts of plants are important and carry out different functions. All of them come together to perform their respective functions for the healthy life of the plant. We will dig deep into the parts of plants and their functions.

Parts of Plants
A plant is made up of primarily four parts. They are –

Functions of Parts of Plants
Function of Roots

A plant has roots that grow in the ground. This underground part plays a very important role in pulling the water and minerals so they can reach the plant. Furthermore, it also expands within the ground so that for better water absorption the water increases.

Roots also play the role of anchors which helps in creating better stability. In addition, the roots also fuse the development of the plant and stock reserve food material. They also store food that binds the soil together.

Function of Stem
The stem is the part that stays above the ground. A stem usually bears leaves, fruits plus flowers. It distributes the nutrients and minerals all the way from the plant to the leaves. Furthermore, the stem is the support system of the plant

Function of Leaf
It is safe to say that a leaf is one of the most important parts of a plant. It contains chlorophyll which assists the plants in preparation for food. Moreover, the veins of a leaf allow the flowing of nutrients plus water.

A leaf has three basic parts which are petiole, leaf base and lamina. The leaves of the plant help in photosynthesis. Moreover, they help in removing any excess water via stomata. In short, it is for transpiration.

Moreover, some plants have leaves which also assist in the process of reproduction. Thus, leaves perform a number of functions, which helps the plant grow healthier.

Function of Flower
The bright and beautiful part of the plant which you see is the flower. They play a role in making food. A flower has female as well as male parts. Both of these work collectively to fertilize the plant so it can produce seeds

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