Parts of Speech English Grammar Lessons and Worksheets

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Define the 8 parts of speech:
A noun is a word that names a person, place, animal, thing or idea.
A pronoun is a word that is used in place of a noun.
A verb is a word that shows action, being or possession.
An adjective is a word that describes a noun.
An adverb is a word that adds to the meaning of a verb, adjective or another adverb.
A preposition is a word that shows the relation of a noun or pronoun to another word in a sentence.
A conjunction is a joining word. It connects words and parts of a sentence together.
An interjection is a word that expresses a sudden or strong feeling.

List of nouns
dog, politician, tree, house
David, Shiela, America, Everest
advice, hope, quality, love
team, herd, gang, bunch

List of adjectives
caring, sensitive, shy, happy, sad, generous
helpful, eager, excited, empathetic, talented, brave
delicious, tasty, healthy, sweet, lush, sour
tall, short, round, small, gigantic, stout, long

Adverbs made from adjectives
easy easily
gentle gently
angry angrily
cheap cheaply
happy happily
lucky luckily
quick quickly
slow slowly

The following words are some of the most commonly used prepositions:
about below toward above beneath for on under across beside from onto underneath after between in out until against beyond in front of outside up along but inside over upon among by in spite of past up to around instead of with at despite into since within because of down through without before during near throughout with regard to behind except of to

and I like bread and butter.
because She goes to the yoga class because she likes to keep fit.
but He is very rich but he is stingy.
although We played the game although it was raining.
if If you study well, you will pass the exam.
since Since you're my friend, I wouldn't want to hurt

#englishgrammar #partsofspeech
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Thanks to this video sir/mam anybody .This video is very amazing. This video like cartoon .
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Thanks you soo much very helpful in my quiz tomorrow


thank you so mush, It was really easy to understand, God Bless


Nice way to explain. I had also started from the bottom n now I think I can write n speak little well. But I was always nervous around people couse ' I was not fluent so time to time I worked n got a bit good result. I want to share something to all the new begginer, please work hard on the basic which is try to understand more n more parts of speech n learn as much words as possible to speak free the way you want .
