Just Move Your Awareness - Silencing the Mind the Easy Way
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Countless spiritual teachings emphasize the importance of stopping the thought activity in the mind. However how many people truly experience this state? The importance of a thought-free mind is well known. What is not known, however, is how to stop the thoughts in a truly effective way.
This Higher Self guided meditation will teach you the simplest way to truly stop the thought process while purifying the mind. How we focus our awareness is the key.
Modern day man relies heavily on language. Language - the forms of spoken words and thoughts - is a system of symbols that represent other forms and experiences. We have words for every object that our physical senses perceive, every emotional sensation felt in our bodies, and all the functions of the mind. Yet we commonly forget that words and thoughts are symbols for the real objects and experiences. Language is just a system of symbols.
As human beings, we must train ourselves how to direct our awareness away from the forehead, the location where we experience thought, and into other parts of the human body. Simply by changing where we focus our awareness, we can stop the thought process instantly. As long as we maintain this new location of focus, the thoughts will stay silent.
Sounds simple enough, right? Watch this video to learn why we continue to return to focusing on the thoughts, why our ego continues to pull us back into it, and why a truly silent mind has been difficult for many people to experience.
Blessings and Love.
Satsang with the Self video series by Channel Higher Self
May 10, 2018
Just Move Your Awareness - Silencing the Mind the Easy Way
The Higher Self Teachings are presented by Lincoln Gergar, the channel for Higher Self. Since 2007 Lincoln has shared nearly 2,000 free spiritual teachings to help human beings evolve on their spiritual paths. The Higher Self Teachings provide a direct spiritual path that will connect you to your Higher Self, increase your experience of Divine Love, eternal peace and creative power. The Higher Self is our Inner Guru, our connection to God Within.
This Higher Self guided meditation will teach you the simplest way to truly stop the thought process while purifying the mind. How we focus our awareness is the key.
Modern day man relies heavily on language. Language - the forms of spoken words and thoughts - is a system of symbols that represent other forms and experiences. We have words for every object that our physical senses perceive, every emotional sensation felt in our bodies, and all the functions of the mind. Yet we commonly forget that words and thoughts are symbols for the real objects and experiences. Language is just a system of symbols.
As human beings, we must train ourselves how to direct our awareness away from the forehead, the location where we experience thought, and into other parts of the human body. Simply by changing where we focus our awareness, we can stop the thought process instantly. As long as we maintain this new location of focus, the thoughts will stay silent.
Sounds simple enough, right? Watch this video to learn why we continue to return to focusing on the thoughts, why our ego continues to pull us back into it, and why a truly silent mind has been difficult for many people to experience.
Blessings and Love.
Satsang with the Self video series by Channel Higher Self
May 10, 2018
Just Move Your Awareness - Silencing the Mind the Easy Way
The Higher Self Teachings are presented by Lincoln Gergar, the channel for Higher Self. Since 2007 Lincoln has shared nearly 2,000 free spiritual teachings to help human beings evolve on their spiritual paths. The Higher Self Teachings provide a direct spiritual path that will connect you to your Higher Self, increase your experience of Divine Love, eternal peace and creative power. The Higher Self is our Inner Guru, our connection to God Within.