NO WAY.. You Were SCAMMED With This Update in Vanguard | 7 NEW Maps, Zombies Event Scrapped & MORE!

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NO WAY.. You Were SCAMMED With This Update in Vanguard | 7 NEW Maps, Zombies Event Scrapped & MORE!

(The Podcast is Streamed Live Here On Youtube Every Friday)


0:00 - Introduction
0:45 - You Were SCAMMED With These Update, W*F
1:44 - Weapon Inspect FINALLY Coming to Vanguard
2:51 - This is The Worst Launch For The Holidays Too
3:20 - World’s First NO Mastery Camo During Launch Year
4:17 - This is a REPEAT Of WW2 2017’s Abysmal Launch
5:50 - Does Anyone Care About The Attention to Detail?
6:26 - EVERY Part Of The Community is Under Fire..
7:30 - H3CZ Speaks Out Against Awful Launch & More
8:40 - Upcoming Remastered Map From WW2 2017
9:46 - 7+ More Maps Coming to Vanguard Multiplayer
10:22 - 7+ New Weapons, Melee & Mysteries Coming Soon
10:46 - Christmas Zombies Update Reportedly Cancelled?
11:43 - NO Trophy System in Vanguard, What R They Doing
12:42 - Crossover w Cap America, Indiana Jones & More
14:12 - Did The Deal Fall Through Between Disney/ATVI
14:23 - Closing Statements

#CallOfDuty #Vanguard #SledgehammerGames

💣 ~dkdynamite~ 💣
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I feel bad for Treyarch right now. They just keep getting left out to dry by Activision and Sledgehammer


All this is probably the reason why I’m still playing Cold War more than Vanguard right now. Great vid, DK!


I find it disappointing that a game everyone love for so long turns into something you don’t even get exited for I remember bo2 and having to stand in a line till midnight but now with vanguard I could really care less I think I might only buy the treyarch cods from now on so every 2 years I will buy a cod


Everyone behind this game are a disgrace. Treyarch have the most understandable excuse but this is still a disgrace.


At this point I’m kinda starting to think MW was broken on purpose to push people to Vanguard since it’s pretty much the same game with a WWII skin.


Vanguard is so far away from realism with its 21'th century stocks and attachments on WWII weapons. The trophy system is needed as hell, and I think Vanguard could bear a face-off mode, where we don't use killstreaks. I have massive anxiety on Das Haus and Shipment with all those incendiary throwables and explosive killstreaks. And btw, the first pro pack is also glitched out, cause the scope for the KAR blueprint isn't working.


Funny thing is that trench runner variant of the combat shotgun was the one with the unique inspect in WW2 because certain variants had different inspects in that game so if the inspect datamine is true I wouldn't be surprised if they just full on copy paste that variant's inspect into vanguard but drop the ability to sprint while inspecting, the inspect has been useless in all other games if it stops you from sprinting.
Also if you remember in WW2's cycle the chrome camo was also not unlockable at launch, maybe not for as long as vanguard so far but the same thing has already happened before during the life cycle of another game that didn't have such constraints.


these devs must be looking up “how to fix video game” bug tutorials on youtube. there’s no way these are grown men releasing a game a bunch of 4th graders could make better.


If Vanguard gets one thing right, it better be bringing back Sandbox. Definitely one of my favorite maps


Why does vanguard gets worse and drag the rest of the cod games with it


its just sad that they wont just hurry up and bring out zc2 for cold war im telling you sales would be higher than ever


I can't decide who's doing a worse job, joe biden or Activision


Casa Blanka was an area in Africa under German and French dominants during the 40s. There is a whole movie about it.


I know it was just edited for the thumbnail but I actually wouldn't be surprised if sledgehammer actually did make a tweet like that in the future because it's VERY clear they don't care


The fact they refuse to put in a trophy system because of realism but give us piercing vision where we can shoot through a wall and then get a heat signature on a guy you never saw once is absolutely baffling lmao


Believe it or not I went back to Red Dead 2 online and I'm having a blast


Considering Activision’s surrounded by SA, I get the feeling Disney took down the deal in order to not associate with them. Which is more unfortunate than it seems, I can’t imagine being a dev who supposedly worked on the models, lines, blueprints, only to be told that their content would be scrapped. I feel bad for Vanguard, it looks and sounds broken as all fucking hell, but they need better/calmer guidance.


That picture of the operator with custard dribbling off him LOL.. What were they thinking with that skin, looks like he has had a bad argument with his parents and got dunked in the custard LOL..


Map voting is impossible with combat pacing, it has nothing linked to Modern Warfare


They need to stop releasing cod every year. The games release broken and unfinished and once they finally get the games into a decent state, the next cod drops it’s the same story all over again.