Tenno - The Inner Light (Full Album)

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My new album called "The Inner Light" is out on Lofi records. This story is a continuation of my "The Prophecy" EP. I do hope you'll enjoy this one!

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🎨 Artwork by Margaux Peltat

Tracklist below:
Pure Soul - 00:00
Between Worlds – 03:10
Imaginary – 06:03
Komorebi – 08:27
Overgrown – 11:30
Healing River – 13:46
Bittersweet Sorrow – 16:37
Butterfly Lullaby – 19:07
Warm Sleep – 22:03
Light – 24:59

*** This music is free to use in your YouTube videos or Twitch streams.
Please make sure to properly credit me in the description. ***

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Kaito was a man of his word, so he continued his journey to find the pure soul, to which the Prophecy of Ultimate Prosperity should be passed on.

There was only one path that lead forward - through the Great Waterfall that has been an ancient source of all the waters in this world.

Though Kaito has never gone that far, he found the courage in his heart and stepped into the Great Waterfall. Its powerful streams parted right in front of him like curtains and the voice said: “Look into yourself”. Kaito closed his eyes and pushed himself forward towards the endless dark space.

He felt the rush of wind and chill on his body. When he opened his eyes Kaito saw thick forest with tall and mighty trees overgrown with tangled weeds. The strange mist was covering a lifeless ground. Then it appeared. A ray of sunshine fell onto Kaito’s chest as if guiding his way through.

Kaito followed the light and found himself near the river. It felt like warm fluid of pure love.He started to cry. He was crying away all his heart burning sorrows, disbeliefs, doubts and wounds that he made to himself. Until he heard the sweet muffled sound of butterfly wings that carried Kaito away to the warmest sleep of his life.

When he woke up, he was blinded by the light. But then he saw beautiful breathing forest with most colorful and unique birds, butterflies and flowers.

Kaito looked at himself and realized that it was the light within him that illuminated the world. He made everything shine and prosper.

That was it. Kaito finally found the pure soul. The secret of Ultimate Prosperity was right inside him. From this day onward Kaito was guided by his Inner Light.


I was listening to lofi girl as usual and suddenly I heard "between worlds" on the radio, and usually I don't pay much attention to the music cause it's just for some background ambiance, and for some reasons, this song was hitting differently, imposing itself in the mood, and then I discovered this album. An absolute masterpiece, thank you for that Tenno !


I was on Lofi Girl and heard Pure Soul. Never felt so relaxed and hyped up at the same time lol. So good


i want an open world rpg with this kind of lofi as background music


I was listening to a compilation and was like "Sounds like Tenno" and it really was on of you song. Even tho you do Asian style Lofi like many, you do have your own style and that's amazing.


Now i realize, there was Me inside me. Its there from the beginning.. since i was exist. Inside myself, i create a Light from part of Me. That Light keep guides me to the path that i can be part of Me. In the end, i hope myself, i can finish this realm and go back to Myself. i tought its the end but it's a beginning of another journey. In there.. there is no 'finish' and my appearance is different, its a true form of me. It's another journey where i can found myself within Me. The only way i can see Me is trough feeling. I'm glad that i can go back to the place where i call it "home". It's a life that i will live forever, the journey that never ends. I will not die anymore, i will not feel anything from the previous journey. In this journey, i can met with another people that has the same path with me. i visit them eternally, laughing eternally, eternal peace. Its worth the pain, now i know who made me exist. It was Me all along, to the point that myself can be part of Myself.


Who else is here from Lofi Girl? Heard Healing River and had it on repeat until I found out there was a whole album?? Shit hits different this music does, thank you for the beautiful soul-reaching masterpiece 🙏


Between worlds is so beautiful. Magically transportive to another place. I love it 😍


No matter what emotions I'm feeling, Tenno's music always hits the right spot.


I finally found myself.. after 30 years. Thanks to you.




Hearing butterfly lullaby when your struggling hits some type of way. Just listened to the album after working on a pre-exam paper for college algebra. And I wanna cry. The music lets me reflect.


The first one is pure magic, dont stop composing


idk why but your music always fills me with a strange sort of melancholy, but in a warm and soothing way


All of this music soothes the soul, but Healing River is a complete masterpiece. I could listen to that 24/7.


Tenno. You always hit my heart.. 💚🥰 your music is Godlike 🙏✨


One of the best chillout album ever...


How I long the state of pure joy and bliss one gets in childhood, when one is able to fully immerse himself into the present, into an activity, completely freeing his mind from outside and inside events, and just achieve the real complete state of being. Only then can my true creativity emerge. Childhood represents to me our true inner self, before we sacrificed the raw emotions that makes each one of our souls unique, in order to adapt or cope with the craziness of this world. One of my biggest goals in life is to get back to this state, while maintaining my awareness of the world. Creativity and immense power is embedded within us all, yet we foolishly try to force it out while at the same time burying it under hundreds of mechanisms we've learned over the years to cope with the harshness of the world and to adapt to society. Emotions to me MUST be eaten raw when one is trying to truly communicate their message through art.

This is one of the main reasons I love your music. I always seek authenticity, in EVERY aspect of life, and it is so rare than when I find bits and pieces scattered throughout, I cannot show anything but respect and admiration. Please continue your great music. Each one of us listeners will interpret your message in his own way, with his own emotions, but we can only do that when they are served the right way, raw. Trying to spice things up only hides the true nature and authenticity of life, and the thing I hate most about us is how much we constantly lie to ourselves and to others. Life is at it is, an eternal opposing forces of duality. We must accept everything that's within us, and be able to show it to the world without any conflicting or rational thoughts. Only then do I feel that things are right, and that there can be a certain order within the eternal chaos of life, which can never have order. It's as if it's a complete escape from reality while completely being in it. I think that's the true magic of art. We cannot really comprehend how, but it somehow gives an explanation that doesn't need justification as to our tourment towards existence.

Thank you for being one of the few who can still show true authenticity in this fake, sick, and crazy society we live in today. It is very much appreciated! ❤️


Not Tenno blessing us with yet another PERFECT album ~ TENNO KNOWS HOW TO BALANCE EVERYTHING, LIKE, THIS A LITERAL MASTERPIECE Thank you Tenners, for gracing us with your talent ~ HELLA UNDERRATED LIKE WTH- WHERE IS EVERYONE 😭😭😭😭😭


Thanks Tenno for continuing to produce amazing pieces. I don't have anything philosophical to say or enlightening. But I definitely get those feelings while listening. Not being able to put it into words is the best part I think. Everyone loves listening to your music and I love seeing others in the comment section posting nice things too. Peace and love <3
