15 Secrets Successful People Know About Time Management | Summary In Under 9 Minutes (Kevin Kruse)

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What if you had the time to do everything? How can you organize your day so that you have that extra hour to do things you want to do? Well, after interviewing 7 billionaires, 13 Olympic athletes, 29 straight-A students, and 234 entrepreneurs, Kevin Kruse has uncovered the 15 secrets of highly successful people.
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00:00 - Intro
01:35 - Discard your to-do list for a calendar to achieve more with less stress
02:11 - Overcome stalling by predicting how to act in the future and accepting that there will always be more to do
03:06 - Jotting down your ideas and restricting trips to your inbox will clear your mind and increase your productivity
04:18 - Retrieve control over your time by avoiding meetings and saying no
04:59 - The 80/20 rule and a few self-reflective questions will increase your efficiency and satisfaction
06:03 - Theming each day and immediately completing short taks will boost your capabilities
07:02 - Increase your energy level and attention with a daily routine and a simple technique
08:19 - What's your most important key-takeaway?

DISCLAIMER: This book summary is meant as a preview and not a replacement for the original work. If you like this summary please consider purchasing the original book to get the full experience as the original author intended it to be. This video is for entertainment purposes only.
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