Interior Work on The Free Abandoned Airplane

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Grab yourself some Rebuild Rescue Merch!

A lot of work getting completed on the free abandoned airplane project today! We’ll be focusing on the front baggage area and inside the cockpit getting this airplane that much closer to being completed. After working on prepping all the panels for the baggage area Jason and Joe will be ripping out all the old gauge lines, removing the yokes, master cylinders, and carpet from inside the fuselage before going over all the engine parts we’ll need to send out to have overhauled.

Please support the 401 project with a donation to our gofundme. Anything you can offer is greatly appreciated!

Rebuild Rescue Videos:
FREE Abandoned Airplane... If I Can Start It! Ep1

Taking Our FREE Abandoned Airplane Home! Ep2

He's Trying To STEAL Our FREE Abandoned Airplane ! Ep3

Will Our FREE Abandoned Airplane Finally Start? Ep4

Is The FREE Abandoned Airplane Finally Ours ?! Ep5

Did We Ruin The FREE Abandoned Airplane Engine ? Ep6

Our FREE Abandoned Airplane Gets Its First Wash In 17 Years ! Ep7

Will Engine #2 Ever Run Again On Our FREE Abandoned Airplane !? Ep8

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The watchmaker guy is back. I have serviced those Tag stop watches before. Pretty basic stuff in watchmaking terms. Not alot to them. Shouldn't be very hard to get them serviced. COA is the terminology and that means clean, oil and adjust. Any jewelry store with a decent watchmaker should be able to pimp those out no question.


I noticed you were using a Harbor Freight parts cleaner in this video. I have one in my shop that I have made a useful mod to it. I made a grid of 1/2" copper pipe to fit the bottom of the tank with a riser pipe to exit the side above the fluid level. Drilled 1/16" holes every 1/2" over the entire grid. Covered the grid with some hardware cloth. Added a fitting for an air hose to the exit pipe. When you have a part that is really greasy, just lay it on the grid in the fluid, attach your air hose (adjust the air volume for consistent bubbling), close the lid and let the circulation of the bubbles do a lot of the work for you.
I've been following the progression of the 401 since the beginning and I can't wait to see it take to the air. I'll be taking a trip to PA in August and I'll be passing near you. I'd love to stop in and say hello in person! Is that possible?


Jason, that looks like a vacuum regulator under the inspection cover. It should have a white foam filter around it. P/n ARB3-5-1. That is secondary to the Instrument air filter.
If your new panel is more modern, you can get rid of your vacuum system altogether.


Guys, when spending so much time on my knees working on aircraft, I'd recommend one of those hard foam rubber gardening mats. Save a lot of knees with them!


This episode kinda shows what I was thinking. As they've been putting a few things back on. I am surprised they didnt strip the interior of everything down to the bulkhead so that it's not back & forth. So that they can clean it all @ once. Find all the issues in those weird spots. Organize whats needed replacement. Order all the connectors & hardware @ once. Etc. My opinion. I'm not a mechanic but am ocd so. Maybe it's their method of madness as we all have to do things. But it's awesome to see progress & continues to surprise the it was even able to start & move with all issues they've found. Keep up the work look forward to seeing it fly.
Also his comment saying can't wait to see it fly. Remember you could put the wings & gear back on. Turn it into a glider. 😂


9:22 Undulations 👍 Joe must be king at Scrabble. Good to see a bit of friendly banter. Keep on 401'ing lads.


So much more work to do done.
I was in the Air Force as a machinist and have been watching this show since the beginning of the free abandoned 401.
I was thinking then walk away from the project because of all of the work that is involved.
Now I think you are going to get it done right and flying but at a high price.
The learning experience you'll have will be PRICELESS so looking at this project with that in mind you will have a great insight into the next rescue aircraft.
Know when to walk away from a project.

I believe you need to consider selling the 401 because it will be better new. I am sure their are rich people who would give a pretty penny for a newly upgraded 401 because of the history of the 401.
You could buy 2 or more aircraft to replace it. I think I will take a lot of heat for this post but I hope not.


Joe is on the money for wavy undulations. There's even an electronic musical instrument called the Ondes Musicales (aka Ondes Martenot), which is a French name for Musical Waves.


At this point, I totally get why at the beginning of this series so many people tried to convey just how nitty gritty this restoration was going to get. They were so right. This episode is so complicated. Mind boggling.


Rebuild Rescue Gang, You’ve probably already have sent out the stop watches, but there are several watch repair channels on Youtube that would be a coo collaboration to get them restored. One is Wristwatch Revival. Just a thought. Keep up the amazing work you do.


I've only worked Air Force tankers, KC-135A, R, R/Ts, and KC-10s and now fifteen years as an A&P mechanic on Bombardier's Flight Test aircraft. My experience in GA was only to get my O&P complete for my licence twenty years ago. I guess I've forgotten how flimsy and thin those aircraft are. Kudos to you and your team to resurrect this old plane. Just remember, engineer don't have to repair the aircraft, just make them safe and functional to fly. The mechanics have to figure out how to fix the engineering problems. Improvise, adapt and overcome!


I worked as a service tech for a CNC machine distributor for 12 years. Cessna was one of our big customers. We would sale them machines to make parts and pieces, it was my job to install the machines and repair them when needed. It always amazed me how many distinct small items they would make and it was hard to imagine where on a plane they would go. One of the things I enjoy most is seeing you all pull this apart piece by piece knowing machines like mine built those pieces.

Great work guys!!


I saw your landing gear gearbox in place still. It has an electric motor that needs to be inspected and lube as well.


Love all the in depth work. It's what has me coming back...I did want to give you a little bit of advice. Been doing avionics for 15+ years in the Air Force and I would recommend getting the avionics shop you're sending the control wheels (you called them yolks) the first look at them before putting the awesome design to ensure you won't have to damage them after the fact. With all the updated systems you're looking to have installed there maybe new holes for pickle switches etc but hey will tell you before you have them finished


Aside from the awesome 401 work, Can we get an update on Joes smile journey? Its so cool how you shared that with us a while back.


That is probably the largest biggest saw puzzle I’ve ever seen. What is great to see is that you are not cutting any corners. From Joe taking 2 weeks to do the heater box and you finding the old tubing everything is getting the attention that makes this rebuild better than new. As always great workmanship, and stay safe.


Just seems as if when you take something apart….. a whole new series of stuff presents itself and makes it seem like it’ll never get done.
I don’t envy you guys one bit.
This aircraft is gonna look like it’s just been built,
That is awesome.


When the vid opens with Joe in scene all is right with the world!


TRUELY AMAZING the level of 'Rebuild' for this Aircraft! I've heard of Cars being rebuild 'from the bolts, up!' before, but that term is INSIGNIFICANT to the level of 'rebuild' (or, DARE I SAY, REMANUFACTURE) of this 401.

HUGE KUDOS to EVERYONE putting their Time, Expertise and sweat into bringing THIS Airplane, back to LIFE!!!!


Incredible that you wanted this all completed for this years Air show.
