How to Export Microsoft Access Table as a Text file

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This video shows the VBA code to export a Microsoft Access table as a text file. Access normally makes you create a custom text export for every table you create. This code allows you to export any table by just feeding the string name of the table as a variable.

I also posted the code below here to copy and paste

Public Function ExportText()

'This function exports the current table as a text file

Dim z As Long
Dim LineOfText As String
Dim Delimiter As String
Dim x As String

x = "ExampleTable"
Delimiter = vbTab

strOutputFileName = "Your_Unique_Path"

Open strOutputFileName For Output As #1

Set rs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(x)

With rs
For z = 0 To .Fields.Count - 1
LineOfText = LineOfText & .Fields(z).Name & Delimiter
Next z

Print #1, LineOfText
LineOfText = ""

Do While Not .EOF

For z = 0 To .Fields.Count - 1
LineOfText = LineOfText & Nz(.Fields(z)) & Delimiter
Next z

Print #1, LineOfText
LineOfText = ""
End With
Close #1
End Function
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This is way better than the built in Access function.


This is way better than doing it manually each time!
