The Greatest Right of Allāh || Sh. Khalid ar-Rashid
مشكور اخي على المجهود..بيد أن هنالك خطأ بلفظة،" العواليا."..حيث ينشدها "الحواليا" في البيت (و عادية سوم الجراد) .
و لفظة "نفسي" ليس المقصود النفس بل التنفيس .. النون بالفتح والفاء بالكسر.
جزاك الله خيرا
Warriors who were poets, or poets who were warriors, have a lot to say about the world, the war, the emotions, everything. Even though I'm lost in translation from English to one of my native tongues in some verses, I could even so appreciate the beauty and sadness of this poem. This poem and the 'Antarah Ibn Shaddad's poems are my favourite ones
Subhanallah!!!! that is extremely beautiful
هذه أحد القصائد التي لا يعرفها الكثير لكنها في غاية الجمال، ويكفي شاهداً على شاعرية عبد يغوث أن بنو تيم ربطوا لسانه خوفاً من شِعره.
ثم قوله:
أحقاً عباد الله أن لست سامعاً
نشيد الرعاء المعزبين المتاليا
يجعلك تشعر بالحزن الذي كان يشعر به وهو يتذكر أيام الأُنس والرخاء وهو يعلم أنه مقبل على موته.💔
This is a very beautiful piece and it makes you realise how good Arabs were at poems 😢❤
very glad to have come across this channel
الواحد بعد ما يسمع الشعر في ايام ما قبل الاسلام وايام الصحابة والتابعين رضي الله عنهم بيبقي محرج من مستوي العربي بتاعه والله...
Special thanks to the team who translated this beauty.
You can join the translation team here:
Mashallah tabarakallah, voice is magnificent...
But I was defending your father's honor.. This is a wrong translation, , ofcourse it is correct if its a direct translation, but the meaning in Arabic changes with the context, in this contexts the father here means Linage, or Ancestry.
Bri please tag osama al waedh to be confident ti him
Can you give an exact date when this battle of kulab happened? And by the way thanks for the sharing of the beauty of ancient cultural people. This kind of event looks like a scene in a movie. and hard to believe the ancients people were indeed were honorable attitude.
I was very curious to know the story about this man and the situation but unfortunately, couldn't find it :(..If anyone Knows please share
why was the old lady intrigued in seeing a Yemeni prisoner
Asalamu alaykum! Could I have the arabic script please? I can read arabic but the font used on the video is too confusing 😅
Why did the muslims agree to give him wine?
Is the writter muslim ?
What does he mean with drinking?