YouTuber shot in mall by DoorDash driver while filming prank video

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Youtuber Tanner Cook may have been critically shot while recording a prank for his YouTube page inside Dulles Town Center, but he could still face charges, according to a Loudoun County prosecutor.

The 21-year-old YouTube prankster is behind the channel Collective Goons, which has more than 41,000 subscribers. He and a friend, both from out of state, were reportedly at the mall on Sunday to record another prank video when the suspect Alan Colie, 31, allegedly shot him in the stomach.

Public defender Adam Pouilliard argued it was Cook who antagonized the suspect, much like in his other prank videos. In many cases, the subjects in previous pranks become irate at Cook.

Detective Katie Mitchell of the Loudoun County Sheriff’s Office took the stand. She said Cook was playing the phrase “I think you smell” on the phone using Google Translate.

Mitchell said Colie, who was at the mall to pick up food for DoorDash, told Cook to stop several times and tried to walk away. Despite swatting the phone away from his face, she said Cook persisted.

Deputy Commonwealth Attorney Anthony Needham later added the alleged gunman told Cook to leave him alone. Cook was apparently as close as six inches away when he pulled a gun out of his vest.

“[Colie] was targeted, harassed, accosted and followed,” said Pouilliard. “He attempts to get away from the situation.”

Pouilliard argued his client deserved bail during a hearing on Wednesday. He said Colie had no prior convictions, drug abuse or cases of failing to appear in court.

However, the prosecutor said the shooting was not justified because Colie shot someone who was unarmed inside a mall. The judge denied the bond request and believed Colie was a danger to the public.

Although Colie is charged with aggravated malicious wounding, use of a firearm in the commission of a felony and discharging a firearm within a building, Needham said the Loudoun County Commonwealth’s Attorney’s Office is looking into charging Cook.

Cook’s father Jeramy Cook said his son is no longer in the ICU but remains in the hospital.

Jeramy Cook said he does not hold resentment against Colie but argues nothing justified the shooting. The father also defended his son despite concerns that his videos are perceived as harassment.

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I'm having a real hard time feeling bad for the victim. You just can't go around harassing anybody you want for followers. Play stupid games and you win stupid prizes.


His father's attitude is the exact reason why his son has behavioral issues and chooses to "make a living" by harassing other people instead of doing something decent/honorable. He justifies his behavior and turns a blind eye to his mistakes. Maybe the father should also be held responsible for the outcome of his ill-parenting!


"My son doesn't have a mean bone in his body"

Bro, he literally pisses people off for a living...


I'm SO tired of parents saying their child "doesn't have a mean bone in their body" whilst they are speaking to the press after that "angelic" child has just assaulted someone, stalked someone, harassed someone, etc, etc. It's the same with parents of bullies.


Justice for the DoorDasher who was just trying to live his life. He had the right to defend himself!


Oh, so now we see the reason why this dude behaves like he can harass everyone. His father thinks there’s nothing wrong harassing strangers in public.


Pulling a prank on someone you don't know is mean and dumb. The father is obviously a bad one since he doesn't know the difference between pranking and bullying.


If the guy he was pranking happened to be a cop and shot him. The prankster would of been arrested instead. If someone says leave me alone and walks away. Do that, LEAVE them alone.


The fact they're not saying what prank he was pulling tells us everything we need to know. And the fact his father is blaming the shooter just being offended, and not the fact his son was harassing strangers, tells us everything we need to know about how his son turned out to be such a loser.


“My son doesn’t have a mean bone in his body” yet the police had to be called on him several times.


Another crappy parent defending their kkd when they do something obviously bad. "He doesn't have a bad bone in his body". Literally right after he makes a living passing people off during their day for no reason.


Dad said not a mean bone in his body but video after video he is Rude and mean to all those victims😅


it is about time that these prank youtubers be taught a lesson...


1. A person doesn't know when the prankster intends to stop or how they are going to escalate until the victim of the prank is injured. 2. The prankster has no idea that the person they are pranking might just be terrified of the situation and respond much more aggressively than the prankster is ready to get. Perfect example of FAaFO.


This dad needs to encourage his son to get a freaking real job and understand how society works cause bullying people on camera ain’t it. Just be thankful he’s alive don’t encourage him to keep doing it cause he might not survive the next one 🎉


Imagine you can get stalked, filmed, laughed at even harassed and YOU'RE the one in trouble for reacting.


Well Daddy making excuses for his Adult son now we can see why his son thinks its ok to harass people, this poor man just wanted to be left alone


Yeah okay, dad. The next time your child is on the news he might be in a bodybag. People are down right crazy nowadays and your prankster is pushing his luck.


Dad shows zero accountability so no surprise that his son doesn't either


The alleged victim seems to share similarities with his father...odd how that works out.