Playwright Python - CSS Selector Pseudo Classes

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In this video you'll learn how to locate web elements using special css selector pseudo classes.

Playwright include a number of CSS pseudo-classes to locate elements:
- `:has-text()` matches any element containing specified text somewhere inside, possibly in a child or a descendant element. Matching is case-insensitive, trims whitespace and searches for a substring.

- `:text()` pseudo-class matches the smallest element containing specified text. Matching is case-insensitive, trims whitespace and searches for a substring.

- `:visible` pseudo class. For example, css=button matches all the buttons on the page, while css=button:visible only matches visible buttons. This is useful to distinguish elements that are very similar but differ in visibility.

- Sometimes page contains a number of similar elements, and it is hard to select a particular one. `:nth-match(:text("Buy"), 3)` can be used to select an element based on it's position/order.

Playwright is a modern, fast and reliable browser automation tool from Microsoft that enables testing and automation across all modern browsers including chromium, firefox and webkit.
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