Husband Got Epic Revenge On Me & Kids, Cause I Cheated With His Best Friend On Our Wedding Day &...

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At Our Anniversary Party, My Husband's Best Friend Accidentally Revealed That He Knocked Me Up On Our Wedding Day. My Husband Disappeared That Day, & 2 Weeks Later, He Brought Our Kids & All Our Stuff To That Friend's House, Handed Over A Divorce Papers & DNA Test, & Said, "You Guys Can Live With Him. I'm Washing My Hands Of This. Goodbye."

✅ Reddit Cheating Stories

✅ Game play by @ninakori

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I notice that she's constantly talking about how guilty she feels over how the party went but doesn't mention feeling guilty about what she did on the wedding day.


I do not understand these women. She has two children with a man not her husband, strongly indicating she does not love and respect him, yet she acts like she loves her ex husband.


Trash 🗑️ Story of a Cheater that don't deserve happiness 😡


This women is a disgrace....stop telling them his their dad and stop telling them Anthony's parents are their grandparents. Cheating women like other men to look after their kids. Also this story heading talk about epic revenge. Antony is a softy...the cheating wife and best friend got away with one. Anthony really disappointed me. Always the nice guys get shit on.


Would had never been around after that. Sued them both for fraud and make a new life. Dont need that reminder every weekend picking up kids that ain't mine.


Honestly Paul did everything he did on purpose. He couldn't stand the fact that Anthony was living the life Paul wanted. A beautiful wife and two adoring children. So he deliberately sabotaged things to get back ''his'' family.


We all know know how this story goes

Paul maby taking Anthony's place until she opens her legs for another man

Cheaters always cheat


How do 304's think to make it right after having another mans kids.


Wow! She cheated with her husband so call best friend on her wedding night got pregnant and knowingly had her husband raise the other man children and still had that guy around her and her husband then when everything came out she moved in with her AP who is the kids real dad wow what trash and the husband is a simp to just allow her to do that and still want to be kind and be in her life and still wanted the kids around him and his parents!!! Dude they aren’t your kids and that trash of a ex wife is only using him for financial help and a weekend babysitter!!! She could have lived alone or with her own parents why move in with the AP! I really think that was AP plan all along he wanted his family! Nobody gets that drunk and yell out that crap and turn around sobered up to be so apologetic in the next moment!!! 😒


It didn't take her long to be under the same roof with Paul! Anthony has to be hurting that traitor of a friend 😔 didn't take long to claim his family


Something is missing in this story. It tells the story of the no-good, cheating wife and her despicable ap, and even the children. However what did Anthony’s life turn out to be like. He seemed to be the one that suffered the most pain, other than the kids. Yet did he find any peace and joy? Happiness? The sorry excuse for a friend slept with his friend’s wife on her and Anthony’s wedding night and at least one other time producing two children by the 304. And then at the anniversary party that Anthony so meticulously planned and executed for his wife, that scumbag pretended to be drunk and destroyed his so called friend’s marriage. And now the 304 and the scumbag get to live happily ever after raising the children that from birth Anthony had been a loving father to. What happened to Anthony’s life? Story desperately needs a different ending.


In these stories, the woman always thinks their affair partner is solely to blame and think theyre the victim even though THEY'RE to blame.
Its pathetic.


Man, what a crush. This lady is something else. Couple of quick points maybe missed. 1st, this wasn't a 1 time thing with the cheater and ex. Towards the end, the story mentioned the little boy was older than the girl. I can only guess this means they are not twins. That said, that means the affair was at least twice. And that's only if the friend was that potent that he was able to get her pregnant with the first try both times. These kids are also very young (elementary school). As much as it would have killed me, I would have walked away and disappeared forever. Explain to those kids that their father was the friend and that their mom and he did this behind his back. They may hate him but both the friend and mom would be left to fix it and explain. The whole wedding night sounded like a 1 time thing in the beginning of the story. That betrayal would have been one thing. But the realization that the daughter was also not his changes the entire story. Other than that, there were gaps that I didn't hear in the story, like how it went from the husband disappearing for 2 weeks to showing up with household furniture being dropped off. That wasn't thought of well. Also, the fact that the friend was at the marital home when the husband picked up the kids and there wasn't any repercussions. Like I said, the lady is a piece of work and because she was the main character, even though it was her and the friend who were the villans, made the story hard to swallow.


Almost 29 minutes of rug sweeping. A cheaters story with a happy ending for said cheater. Don’t ask how the husband is handling his life imploding.


this story makes no sense they talk about her sleeping wtih paul on her wedding night and getting pregnant but the way he says it makes it sound like it was the only time but yet both kids are his and their not twins because they said the girl was the youngest so was she having an affair with him even though he only mentioned the one time and acted like it was the only time.


He should have sued to have all child support past and present got Paul totally. The fact that cheater Paul is now living in the same house with the cheating ex wife, hopefully both of them have a long and miserable life.


She continued the affair even after the birth of her first affair-baby. Antony doesn't owe those kids a thing. He should never let them forget who their mother is and who their real father is.


She built a ‘new’ life on a lie STILL! Lying to herself and her children!


Just wait until the kids find out - - - He should have taken Paul to the cleaners.


Nice turnout but I felt sorry for the kids who are the innocent victims of all cuz their lives change forever if she is not navigating well to future endeavor.
