Attract Money Fast - Huge Amounts of Money Come to Me Quickly Affirmations

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The theory (we believe it is much more than just a theory!) is that when you first start saying your positive affirmations, they may not be true, but with repetition they sink into your subconscious mind, you really start to believe them, and eventually they become your reality, they become a self fulfilling prophecy and actually become true.

Over time they overwrite any limiting or negative beliefs you may have about yourself or about not being able to do something, and replace them with positive thoughts and beliefs which instill confidence, belief, positivity, ambition and much more.

As you listen to these affirmations, you will find yourself feeling more positive than before the video began.


Hope this video inspires and motivates you to take action. :)

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(Not all of the affirmations are listed due to limited info space)

I am making quantum leaps to riches.
Money is easily coming to me now.
I love that money is coming to me.
I love that money is coming to me quickly now.
I love money.
I absolutely love how fast huge amounts of money are coming to me now.
Money is flowing like a river to me now.
So much money is coming so quickly to me now that I am living an even more luxurious life every day.
Millions of dollars are flowing to me.
I deserve to be rich.
I deserve to have money come quickly to me.
Money just keeps coming faster and faster to me now.
It feels amazing.
I just relax and let the loads of money come to me.
I am attracting money faster to me now.
I am attracting tons of money faster and faster to me now.
Money comes so quickly to me now, I love it.
I love how fast money comes to me.
It is so, awesome how fast truckloads of money are coming to me now.
I invite wealth to join me in all that I do.
I am worthy of achieving great wealth.
I am flowing with abundance & prosperity.
I am wealthy.
Money speedily comes to me.
Wealth comes to me quickly and easily now.
I love how quickly riches come to me now.
It has never been easier for money to come to me.
I am the master of money, and I draw it to me every minute of every day.
I love when new money comes to me.
I create great wealth daily.
I create huge amounts of wealth in a short period of time.
I attract buyers for my products & services.
I make the most of every opportunity to bring money into my life.
I enjoy getting paid well for what I do.
I know wealth is easy for me to create.
I always have more than enough money.
I always have excessive amounts of money.
I am a money magnet.
I am worthy of the fees I charge.
I am an excellent money manager.
I am earning large sums of money for what I love doing.
I am experiencing tremendous growth in my business.
I am receiving new business every week.
I am financially self-sufficient.
I am grateful for the opportunity to draw money into my life.
I am now accumulating large sums of money quickly.
I am very excited about earning more money.
I am making, saving, and investing my money.
I appreciate the luxuries of life and easily afford them.
I can now buy whatever I want.
I can purchase anything I desire without hesitation.
I earn an excellent income.
I earn great money doing what I love.
I easily afford all that I want and need.
I easily attract all the money I want and need quickly and effortlessly.
I give and receive money with joy.
I always have extra money in my savings account.
I have an unlimited supply of money at all times.
I am rich with unlimited possibilities.
Money is always there for me.
Wealth, Ability & Opportunity is mine.
I feel Rich.
Money is in love with me and is always being drawn to me.
I love money. Money loves me.
I attract money to me now.
I am very happy & grateful that money comes to me in increasing quantities from many sources on a continuous basis.
I am receiving money now.
I have more than enough money.
I am willing, ready and able to receive money.
I see abundance everywhere.
I am a money magnet.
I am grateful for what I already have and for all that I receive now.
I have more than what I need.
Money now comes to me from unexpected sources & I am grateful.
My income is growing higher and higher.
I am a rich child of a loving universe.
I have the power to attract money.
I receive money happily now.
Money flows to me easily and quickly.
I allow my income to constantly expand and I always live in comfort and joy.
The Universe is the constant supplier of money for me and I always have enough money to fulfill my needs.
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I just won $500! Thank you so much for this! I pray everyone receives abundance 💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚


Tip for anyone using any kind of money affirmation video! Too gain more you have to conciously increarse your awereness of whatever it is you want. So let's say you walk past a bank, make sure too say quietly to yourself "oh there's some money." Or if you see someone holding a dollar, or any situation you'll find some money make sure you notice it and have a positive response too it. You'll eventually start to realize that there is a lot of money in the world and feel far better receiving it than you did before. If you increase your awereness of it, you'll increase your experience of it. ^.^


Love this! Been listening for a while to these wonderful affirmations and fast forward now in 2020, my business grossed over $4 million dollars! Thanks so much!


Repetition is key to reprogramming your subconscious. Listen to these audios often, and you’ll see the effects manifest in your life.


You I swear this works! My husband and i received 4, 500 dollars we were supposed to receive money on the 1st but we received it earlier! I listened to this video last night and we got the money today. Im shocked!


Its very powerful I play it this morning then after 1hr I receive unexpected money..thank you God and universe


After listening to this for only 2 days I manifested $300 which I will receive every month, out of no where, it was unexpected. Thank you universe I am soo grateful .


I listened to this and the next day one of my daughter s gave me $20.00. Unexpected!


This sure works. I received unexpected money 3 times within just one week of listening to this. Low volume. And I listen at night when sleeping. Special Thanks to God. Thanks to Rockstar Affirmations. I am so happy and grateful for the unexpected income that came my way. My mind is open to receiving more


Wow, after listening this for the first day, I immediately got over $300 day 1, $150 and other smaller amounts on the second day. These were all unexpected money. I am now attracting larger sums. Thank you


Thank you so much. Today I got an increase in my income from $49.00 to $112.00. And for that I am grateful and thankful... little by little expecting more blessings.


I listened to this for 3 days and I got my first sale


Been listening won $210 on scratch off tickets today! COOL! Thankful, thankful, thankful!


My daughter didn’t know I been listening to these videos and for 5 days straight she been handing me a little money


I received another 2.7k today this is crazy 😂❤


My friend invited me to go to New York with her. She will pay for everything. I don’t have to buy nothing if I don’t want to. She’ll take care of what ever I want.


I watched this video yesterday and I unexpectedly received $197


First 24hrs gained a new client through a current Client!


I am so happy and grateful now that I am receiving an 8 million dollar payout in 90 days


good morning you all I listened to this Los night and this morning and about 1 hours after my friend come and give me $2000 thanks be to God and the universe
