This insane Boosting Strategy is back AGAIN?! Riot tried to remove this and failed

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What do you think about this funnel boosting strategy being back?

Title: Insan3Lik3 - We Are The Robots (feat. Temu)

Boosting strat is back AGAIN?! Riot tried to kill this and failed
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This is just Yi being super strong with a hyper carry support.


In low elo you don't even need a lulu or a taric to pull this off


can't wait for them to nerf jg again to combat funneling feels bad man.


Legit impossible to beat if your team has no cc :(


Riot: we removed gold funneling
Yi: hold my sword
*Yi goes in with Taric and gets a Pentakill*
Yi: thank you!


For a game that's strategy, it's funny how strategy is sometimes bad and unhealthy.


I think the problem is Master Yi and not funneling at this point
old funneling was a problem because even ADCs could abuse it
this is just Yi being strong with items and a support lmfao


I'm not super convinced. I mean he completely abandoned mid and botlane for the early game. Lee Sin could have easily snowballed out of control way before Yi.

It just shows that people nowadays play like shit and are really not paying attention to the map.


I don’t understand why it isn’t legit, aren’t mobas supposed to be all about funneling the carry and winning the game


The problem is speed-up and/or shield/healing champs that also provide offensive CC. Nobody likes to fight Lulu, Karma or Thresh, and Taric is often in the bunch because their only counters are to gank and when you gank them, they're of no benefit. No reason any champ should have all of those abilities accessible to them, especially when you only do half the work to utilize them with such low cost and conscience, while other champs take precision and skill.


its not because people are clueless, it just shows that having two premades that can coordinate well wins almost any solo Q game.
having two bot premades in my games is a guaranteed win every-time, and i always make sure to play around them as a jungler.

edit: also in this vid you can see that yi having karma mid + sivir ult helped out also


Seems like people have figured out how to get around the way Riot wanted to kill this.. what do you think?


I honestly think this is fine *dodges rotten egg* no seriously *dodges chair* hear me out *dodges Road Roller*
Phy made it actually pretty clear, mabye not entirely intentionally, that this is not as crazy as funnel was.
This is essentially a fed Yi with a Lulu being his support. There are tons of ways to counteract this level of funneling, the big problem right now (and the reason why this may look unstoppable) is that people dont know how to play around it. Funnel has been honestly broken OP for 2-3 times last season, and even tho there were counters to it more often than not you either dodge it or kinda lost by default. With this version it's completely possible to counter it, and only if you dont do it the yi becomes this unstoppable monster.
The Support gets very little gold and buys very low efficiency items (for itself) and the Fed jungler is a little more than a fed jungler with a support. It's not jungle + lane gold and EXP all into 1 guy, so he's strong but he's not 1v2 godlike.
The laner that is facing the support can easily play for denial, freeze outside of his tower and deny even exp when the jungler is on the opposite side or look for push and dive, and safely push when the jungler is on your side so you dont get dove and you dont lose much IF you get dove. The jungler can come top (le'ts just say top) to gank / dive the support OR to countergank the fed Yi (since 2v1 him should be very easy, 1v1 should be doable in the early game and 2v2 should be easy until 2 items on Yi). Or you can attack the Yi. Top can push when Yi is supposed to be topside for 2-3 man invade, your jungler can go take his botside when Yi shows / take Drake / take his topside when yi takes drake / Rift / other denies. Since the Lulu doesn't babysit the Yi in his jungle you can attack him early on, and since he wants to maximize his clear 2-3 wards in the enemy jungle should be enough to track him for over 10 minutes. The penalties are still there, and this version of funnel is so weak (compared to old ones) that it can honestly stay; even the botlane can actively counteract this asking for a laneswap and taking down the top tower (where the coin lulu cant do shit) in less than 10 minutes, win 2v2 because they win 2v2 and then take rift.
IF the Yi gets to 3 items and the Lulu gets to 2 and you dont have hard CC for the Yi you did something wrong and you kinda deserve to lose. Honestly i dont even get why the support would take a support item, just go regular lulu top with a cheap build (2-3 Rings into Censer or something) and work with a much better early game. It's not that different from those Zilean mid Kindred jungle type of comps, it can be done and it can win but it can be countered in multiple ways, i just listed a few with my Plat brain.


If morgana can have her Q
If Zoe can one shot even without hitting her sleep.
If tanks can deal more damage than carries while not building a single damage item.
Then this shouldn’t be removed


We've been having funneling strategies since season 1 with a marksman and a support down in the bot lane. It sort of slowed down with the crit changes last year, but now that Riot reverted them, they're back to full force.


I saw a "counter" strategy via spectating a diamond/master-elo game once. The enemy team first-picked Taric, and an allied player responded by picking Yi immediately. The enemy jungler was a Yi OTP and he ended up picking Jax as jungler. Everybody figured out he would be weak with Jax and he got counter-jungled and killed a dozen times before 20 minutes, and meanwhile the Taric had to farm under turret and couldn't do anything at top. It was one of the most hilarious 200 IQ outplays I've ever witnessed in League.


I think that gold funneling is not the real problem...It's the state of Master Yi that is "borderline" overpowered. Since few patches Yi has become more and more viable in higher elos (even without duo Q) which is enough proof to say that he's definitely not in a weak state. So even if he's not in a broken state he's strong with a good carry potential. Add to that the fact that we had a lot of changes that helped him recently : Guinsoo rework + the new conqueror + the spear of shojin + death's dance...When funnel strat was op we could see people use kai'sa/twitch in the jungle but now it seems that Yi is the only one who abuses it...Think about it : Yi's only weakeness is CC Give him 2 supports to shield/heal him and buff his stats with ardent senser and he will destroy the ennemy team. I like the idea ! It's all about strategy : all the team betting on their hypercarry and protecting him : MASTER YI ! Why should Riot remove this ? It's maybe annoying to face but it's not unbeatable ! if you take Yi's jungle when he ganks top and you force ganks on other lanes it should be an easy win.
I guess Riot will just nerf Yi and make him unplayable in higher elos while being decent in lower elos.


I'm really sorry that Shad is no longer with you guys. I know loosing a family pet can be hard for the whole family. I hope you and Dan can enjoy looking back on all the good memories! We will all miss Shad a lot!


Have they changed funneling at all after this video was uploaded?


So, I have a few solutions that might be worth considering for Riot to really kill funneling. Note that not all of them would need to be used.

1. Make support items cost more gold - if the player who is funneling their lane's gold into the player receiving the funnel can't afford their items, then its harder to make this snowball work.

2. Make support items less gold efficient - if you're going to let Ardent Censer basically be a 7th item for the ADC/Yi, make its own stats so bad and building it first will basically get you killed over and over again if you ever go anywhere near an opposing champion.

3. Nerf support champions who can funnel - if a champion is designed to function based on making their team mates stronger, make them basically incapable of surviving a solo lane whenever they are left alone for more than 5 seconds.

4. Nerf Yi - he always seems to be in the middle of these funnel strategies, maybe its time to take away something from him that enables it... personally I'd take away the True Damage on his E and instead just have it add extra physical on hit so that armor actually, you know, counters his damage output.

5. Attack the gold income - make jungle camps give only 1/3rd the current gold, make jungle items grant triple gold from jungle camps, but make jungle items allow only 1/3rd gold from lane minions until, say, the 25 minute mark.
