Ben Nuttall - Physical computing with Raspberry Pi and Python

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"Physical computing with Raspberry Pi and Python
[EuroPython 2017 - Talk - 2017-07-14 - PythonAnywhere Room]
[Rimini, Italy]

The Raspberry Pi Foundation is working to put the power of digital making in the hands of people all over the world, and is well known for its series of small, cheap single board computers.

The Raspberry Pi runs a well supported Linux distro based on Debian, which ships with a variety of programming tools and educational software. Python is the main supported language on the platform, used in many educational resources, and many Python libraries exist for making the most of the Pi platform with other devices.

I will cover:

Raspberry Pi Foundation mission
Raspberry Pi hardware specs
Raspbian desktop
GPIO pins
GPIO Zero (Python library)
Astro Pi (ESA space mission) & Sense HAT
More HATs
Pi projects
Raspberry Pi community

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Bonjour Ben Nuttall,
Merci pour les efforts.
GPIO ZERO est une bonne libraire pour l'électronique numérique à base de Raspberry PI.
Pour faire des simulations en ligne, nous vous demandons de bien vouloir étudier la possibilité de créer un site de simulation pour un Raspberry PI virtuel à l'instar de ce qui existe pour Arduino (
J'attends avec impatience la réalisation de ce projet qui sera vraiment une révolution dans la programmation des IoT.
Merci d'avance.


This video shows declarative programming = less coding ... Nice

- readthedocs example for "Internet connection status indicator" (video 18:44)
changed "green.source = google.values" to "green.source = [google.value]"
works on Jessie and Stretch ....

- video at 17:04 for "CPU Temperature Bar Graph" in Celsius, changed the pins from
( lower the min/max range if you have CPU heatsink installed, 30-65 worked for me )
( to check wiring : make all the leds active, change the range to 0 - current_temp+1 )
need current temp then use "vcgencmd measure_temp" at cli $ or in a bash script.

* leds = LEDBarGraph(2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, pwm=True) should have extra parameter,
which pwm value to use on all the leds to limit the current draw/brightness.
or replace True with a number
