Optimization (Linear & Mixed Integer Programming) for Pythonistas, with John Curry

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Most Pythonistas these days are fairly aware of what Machine Learning can do for them. Even if you don’t use it in the day-job, you are likely to have at least read the blogs and maybe tried your hand at a Kaggle challenge or a CNN to recognize your cat. We frequently use ML in our AI practise at Last Mile, but we find that many business problems we encounter don’t fit that mould. A fair number of these are best represented as combinatorial optimizations. In the last few years, the Python community has developed software like PYOMO and Google/OR that allow you to set up these problems and solve them in a really intuitive, Pythonic way. There’ll be a bit of maths but not a lot. Mainly, the talk will be about how to model a problem as an optimization, design a Python program, develop it and get to an optimal solution.

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