Would You Help A Bee Survive After It Stung You? | Outrageous Acts of Science

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This beekeeper stays calm when his bees sting him so they won't lose their stingers and eventually die.

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I've grown to love bees so regardless if its painful i'll be giving the bees a chance to save themselves. They do more good for us than bad.


I'd honestly just watch the bee free herself slowly because I think the way it just spins around like that is adorable


I didn't know about this.. that the bee could still live after stinging.


If you think I'm just gonna help the bee stay alive after it stung me, you're probably right I'd even offer it some nectar.


I'm (literally) deathly allergic to bee stings so, if one stings me, that little guy is going to meet his maker.


Had this happen to me a few years ago and was surprised it worked. My family thought I was crazy for not swatting it. Sometimes a little patience makes a big difference.


So you don't have to tear up a laptop in this one??


Pretty sure I'm not allergic, so yeah, I'd let the bee live. It'd be annoying to put up with for a few mins, but I'd rather settle with annoyances than kill something defenseless that attacked out of fear.


that bee is having a hard time pulling out


Ok now I feel bad for bees. But when I got stung once, I was frozen. Like, I couldn't move. And the. The bee came out and I was like.... Mom! Uhh.... I just saved a bee!


Me: oh yeah I'm gonna do this the next time I get stung by a be.

*gets stung by bee*
me: swats at the bee and tries to kill it


I was surprised how the initial sting wasn't as painful as I thought it might be, but the toxic shock from the venom immediately afterward was extremely acute. It felt as though my finger had been punctured days prior and was now swollen from inflammatory response. This only lasted maybe 2 minutes total as the bee that stung me had only done so accidentally while I was rescuing him from drowning and rather tired to boot, but still managed to recover his barbed stinger back in less than 10 seconds since he only accidentally pricked me.

I TRULY wish that I was taught this truth about bees (that venom is the source of the reaction, the not the sting AND that they can retract their stinger). Once I learned they were no harm to me, I never swatted them and simply gardened alongside them and wasps and was never bothered once. Pacifism is what lets you live in tandem with them and aggression is the very thing that causes them to sting and lose their life, thereafter.


That dude let himself get stung casually is the real MVP


Only been stung by abee once. Since then I learned one importan thing. You see a bee, you run. No problems


If i try my best to stay still i could save it but i might have a fast reaction. As i do to pain.


It is good that bees are able to remove their stingers from a target without them dying if given a bit of time, but I think it would be great for them if they could evolve to sting any creature without having to worry about getting stuck, sort of like wasp.


The answer to your question is NO, if the bee stings me best believe he going to get these hands before it flies off.


Ppl here say they hate bees and yet if bees go extint, the entire ecosystem dies. Bees are needed for pollonation or plant eaters die. You want honey, then deal with the sting. I love honey bees and well, bees, but wasps, Oh hell no.


This question reminded me of an ancient Indian folktale.
There was once a saint who was bathing in a river. He saw a scorpion in the river who was drowning and tried to help it by picking it up and putting it back on land. But as soon as the he picked up the scorpion, it stung him in the hand and fell back in the river. The saint was taken aback but he tried again. The scorpion stung again. He kept doing this until a kid passed by the scene and started laughing at the "foolishness" of such an educated man. He approached the saint and asked him "why are you helping that scorpion even though it's repeatedly stinging you?" The saint replied "I'm helping it because it's my nature to help those in need, and it's the scorpions nature to sting anyone if it feels it is in distress. I'm just doing my job which I'm supposed to do, help others, and the scorpion is just protecting itself in self defence should he feel distressed."
Moral of the story: we should help others by not expecting anything good in return. Helping others should be human nature.

Thus, according to the videos title, i would still help a bee who has stung me because i, as an individual human being, might not be as important for the nature as that one individual bee is, and all it's doing is to protect itself. It's its nature. Our nature should be to help others.


Him: *waits and lets bee free*
Me: *bee flies by me* YOU BETTER STOP!!
