Be Not Deceived #stephendarby #HebrewIsraelite #christianity

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I know that's right Sis. The Messiah is coming back for those who believe in Him and walked according to His word. This includes all nations races and creeds. Jesus said if I be lifted up I will draw ALL men unto me. Jews and gentiles all have the benefit of receiving the Messiah if they so choose.❤


I think he was saying to know the Messiah is to know He is the God of the Israelites first. First for the Jew then the gentile.


Pastor Darby also said tell everyone that Jesus is lord!
He said tell them on your job, tell them at a restaurant, leave it on the tip. He said never be ashamed that Christ is LORD.

He also said the Hebrew identity was just that, identity only.

He said if you don't have Jesus and your a Hebrew your still going to to hell.

He also said that without the spirit of GOD your teaching falls flat.

He also said be careful how you speak on anointed men of GOD.

He has over 5 or 6 messages directly denouncing Hebrew israelites.

Jesus that's all is 1.

Start there.




5 plus videos later you still addressing Stephen Darby. Sis it’s gonna be ppl who agree and ppl who don’t. Some who never heard of him and stumbled across his channel and really got delivered. Yeah it may be things we don’t particularly agree with coming from men/women of god that is why DISCERNMENT is important and you have to know God for yourself. The word of God say “try the spirit” that includes everyone because one thing I have seen is that anyone can quote Bible scriptures all day and may be a Bible scholar but you will know people by their Fruit


You're not really proving any point here, If you study the scriptures instead of just reading them you would know who Christ is coming back for!!! Christ said I am the Spirit of Truth. My words are meat for your soul! If you study these words you will know who Zion is! Christ says his people were taken into captivity and removed far from their land even as far as the 4 corners of the land. Who are thoes people? If the Bible tells you who the people are why can't you explain who they are since you know who they are not? I bet you can't answer that question


for the saints, that the scales fall off❤


The Gospel is not about an ethnic group


Thank you for continuing to do God's work! There is another movement I would like to share with you. Too many other sects are popping up and worse people claiming to be life coaches are into metaphysics. We need to watch and pray. Everything isn't of Christ. Mixing ideologies has grown to seperate God's people. People are leaving the church for feel good lies. My bigger issue is why leaders in the church aren't catching these things and not spotting the spiritual war within the Church?


You are so right! Christ is coming back for those who have accepted him by faith. People of all races are inclusive of this, no discrimination.


Nah you wrong sweetheart. In the Bible Jesus references his people and a certain tribe that he’s coming back for. Darby didn’t mean that your salvation depended on it, he just meant to get a better understanding of Christ you have to know who he is coming back for


Also how you rebuking him when you have Ice Spice instrumental playing in the background?


Anyone who makes a big deal about the color of skin, Jewishness or any other things is an idolater and needs to repent and fix their eyes of Christ alone. I pray Darby and his followers repent and trust in the Lord who died and rose for all people, the biblical Jesus.

Colossians 3:11 In this new life, it doesn’t matter if you are a Jew or a Gentile, circumcised or uncircumcised, barbaric, uncivilized, slave, or free. Christ is all that matters, and he lives in all of us.


The gospel is about Jesus saving those who believe in him just not about Jesus alone he was an example to us. (A specific set of people) In Obadiah 1:17 the Bible talks about how the house of Jacob will posses their possessions and judgement will come on Edom which is NOT the same as the house of Jacob! This came directly from my prayers and reading the word I’ve never read Obadiah until praying over this particular discussion. I’m not saying anything other than what the Bible is saying. You all read for yourself and don’t let anyone confuse you!


I'm SO GLAD people from afar (outside of the physical Darby "ministry" in the virtual world) can discern what he was truly saying, which is heretical. Thank you for sharing THE truth of Jesus Christ and nothing else. The Darbyites are worshipping Darby and don't realize it, but it's evident in how they disregard and don't read the scriptures to debunk the "teachings" of Darby.


They weren't cut off from their identity at that time so there was no need for Philip to utter those words.


Armageddon is Jesus gathering nations at the valley of Jehoshaphat to ask for His people who have been scattered throughout the 4 corners of the earth. This woman is the very thing she is saying to beware of. Not all black people are of Israel, but the 12 tribes were all so-called blacks.


Amen, Miss Tytus2!!
People most definitely need to be on the lookout for these wolves in sheep's clothing!!

Ephesians 5:11-13 NASB
Do not participate in the unfruitful deeds of darkness, but instead even expose them; [12] for it is disgraceful even to speak of the things which are done by them in secret. [13] But all things become visible when they are exposed by the light, for everything that becomes visible is light.


Amen... Preach Sis. HE is coming back for whosoever!!! John 3:16


Go watch his WHOLE VIDEO... She doesn't understand the precepts of the Holy scripture. That's why she truly believes that Darby is pushing the ideal that Christ is only coming back for blacks, and this isn't what this video is about....Understanding who Hebrew Israelite are you have to understand precepts and this is also what The CAMPS (Israelite movement base there teachings on) In Exodus 11:7 (after the flood) this scripture explains what tribes/bloodline/nations was produced from Noah's 3 sons...In this scripture you will see that Ham was the father of all dark races but not the NEGROS...Following scriptures from Abraham to Isaac whose wife gave birth to two manner of people (two nations in her womb) Jacob (negro bloodline)and Esau (European, Spanish, Rome, Greek Italian etc. White nations bloodline)....Jacob had 12 sons TMH changed Jacob's name to Israel...Christ came from the bloodline of David and David is from the bloodline of Judah (who is the son of Jacob who is now being called Israel) this is where the term Israelite comes from....Now here is the 1st precepts to Identify who the Israelites are in the Bible...Deuteronomy 28 gives the readers a full understanding on who the Israelites are even until this present time (this is apart of researching history on the Atlantic Slave trade)...Keep in mind that Ham is the father of all other dark races and not the NEGROS..Shem is the father of the negro race...2nd precept (s) Isaiah 53....Psalm 23 The Lord's prayer..Jeremiah 50:6, Ezekiel 34:23-24, Micah 5:4-5 these scriptures allows readers to understand Christ has a group of individuals He is sent to save (He is the Shepherd and they are His sheep)...3rd and also the most important precept Matthew 15:24 In this scripture it speaks of a Canaanite lady begging Christ to heal her demon processed daughter and Christ refused..The lady continued to follow Christ and ask for this blessing...Christ first tells the lady I AM ONLY SENT TO THE LOST SHEEP OF THE HOUSE OF ISRAEL....This was His original mission but when he seen the woman's devotion to be heal by Him, He granted her the blessing...And this is also where other tribes/nations were brought in through Christ....It was no longer through bloodline but through faith....
