Selenium: State of the Union - Diego Molina, Sauce Labs

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Selenium: State of the Union - Diego Molina, Sauce Labs

Many things have happened since we did the last SeleniumConf in person. What is the latest in the Selenium project? Attend this keynote to learn what the Selenium team is doing to keep the project ahead, to help the community, to welcome contributions, and collaborations within the testing ecosystem.

Learn what the future of Selenium is, some of the pieces Selenium 5 will have, and how you can be part of the future of the project we all love!

Selenium and SeleniumConf, how are they run and who makes all this possible.
Project health
How Selenium 4 has helped the project stay ahead and start shaping Selenium 5
WebDriver BiDi - The Future
Selenium and The WebDriver Ecosystem
How can you help Selenium be better
What is next

Learning Outcome

Learn what the future of Selenium is, some of the pieces Selenium 5 will have, and how you can be part of the future of the project we all love!

Рекомендации по теме

Was a very engaging session, Thank you Diego!


Thank you <3 for absolutely everything
