Why We Don't Recommend Samsung Phones

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In this video, we dive deep into Samsung's privacy record. While they've made strides in recent years with longer update commitments, are they truly a safe choice for privacy-conscious users? We compare Samsung's practices to Google Pixel and discuss the trade-offs involved.

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Unpopular opinion from a customer & carrier here. Samsung has plenty of bloatware that takes some undoing to overcome out of the box along with every update. This process will continue with their software whether you want the tools or not. As far as privacy goes, data is being sold as a default one way or another no matter the device. My problem with pixel is that overtime randomly having them factory reset overnight or during an update. I’ve had this issue with different generations of pixel phones that breaks that trust of unreliability. Sure Samsung may be selling certain data that pixel does not. Let’s be fair here and agree most of the apps that any customer will use sell that data equally regardless of the device. While “updates” will be honored for 3-7 years, the device itself (battery, speaker, microphone, LCD/screen) won’t last that test of tenured time for the majority of users. Apple is guilty as well surrounding the conversation of “freedom of use and ownership” with “privacy”. End of the day pick your poison, none of these devices are perfect, just find one that fits you best ❤


The best phone i ever had was my Samsung S3, its what pulled me from the evil clutches of Apple


did he compared a 500$ pixel with a 100$ low end samsung in the subject: updates . ?


Samsung would be great if we could install graphene os on it !


i use Nokia 3310 from 2000, bought "new" battery and all that privacy stuff don´t disturb me, no updates - no problem. All that stuff and programms i have on a computer.


Frankly, you two are so stereotypical "American". Privacy here, privacy there .. then you turn around, browse Amazon, talk to Siri and order something via Alexa. Apple, Samsung, Google, Huawei - they are all the same when it comes to privacy. They ALL listen in - its the POINT of the smartphone. You do not want that? - get an old 4G feature phone. Or - you know, communicate with your phone like a normal person.

I have been using Nokias, Samsungs and iPhones in the past - and for a normal person there is ZERO difference, none. They ALL altered my diagnostic algorythem when it came to searches and suggestions, they were all updated in a reasonable fashion.

Off of all the phones i used in the past - iPhones were about the worst, forcing me into an ecosystem i am not remotely interested in and requesting Apple associate accounts for nearly every service. (and you d have to be a moron to think that the data you pass on is your own alone..). Samsung is a close second when it comes to collecting and using your data. Nokia was the best so far .. but you know why? Because no one CARES for Nokia in a global economy - so it is not worth for HMD/Nokia to collect all the personal data .. hence they only go for rough generalized data.

If privacy and security is your concern - you should not use a smartphone, ANY smartphone.


Samsung not only has the Google stuff pulling data from you, but Samsung themselves collect an insane amount of data


Install a firewall then read the logs to see why you should never pick Samsung.


Samsung user here, I agree Samsung Sucks!


"Samsung is less commited to software updates for their lower end phones" Wow you don't say he atleast they have an lower tier option unlike apple as they only sell higher tier phones which cost more and that means that there's more budget to justify committing more to software support and with an cheaper phone that just isn't possible. Just saying that Samsung doesn't has privacy because of their cheap phones is lame
And this only applies to their most budget line ups under the A3x. Samsung def has upped their game to commitment to software support when it comes to their midrangers. I have an Galaxy A53 and I always get the same security patches as the S series in the same month their launch with an delay of some weeks at most


iPhone 12 is the best phone ever as it made me realise that iOS is crap of an OS.


Pixel's are in the same market with Samsung's upper lines, so yhey should be compared with those phones anyways, not with the 150 bucks phones.


No such thing as privacy with ANY smartphone... the only shit they compete on is build quality, screens, cameras and software... all of which Samsung is, if not leader, top 3


I've had a Samsung for 2+ years now, after several years on iPhone. I'm quite happy with it, tbh, and I don't see any privacy issues (relative to any other Android device). I get monthly security updates, the camera is good and the battery still holds up quite well. Not to mention, there is 0 lag even after 2 years. I'm not convinced that owning a phone made by Google, a company that makes 90% of their revenue from advertising, is a more private option. That being said, Samsung still comes with some bloat apps that can't be uninstalled but thankfully, you can always choose a default app (unlike with last time I used an iPhone, where I could only chose a default browser).


Its really bad. It also creeps slowly into you giving up privacy. It happens over a period of weeks constantly asking you until that one moment your mood changes into giving up your privacy. I had better experience with chinese brands. Weird as it may seem, that's my experience.
