[Quick Guide] Biohazard

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items: 550 coins

- 2 stamina potions
- weight reducing armor
- a weapon to kill a CB 13

- 2 Ardougne or Fishing guild teleport
- 1 Varrock teleport
- 1 after quest completion

Quests: Plague city
skills: 33 agile can speed things up

Old School Runescape 2007 2007scape quest
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I don't see this in comment section
UPDATE: - - - You must have the gas mask from Plague City when visiting Omart again at 3:06 to get over the wall.


At 6:48, instead of doing all that boat hopping, you can now sail straight from Ardy to Rimmington.


5:19 - If you're a fresh account (Ironman for example) and don't have these teleport methods, It is WAY faster to just go down the manhole from the Plague City quest and up the mud pile to get back to Elena. Way faster than even using a teleport. Like this so other people can see :)


The three most helpful comments in this section, which should be the top:

1) You can now teleport with the samples throughout the whole quest
2) at 3:06, you need your gas mask
3) at 5:30, you should just go down the manhole used in plague city and climb up the rocks to get close to Elena


6:40 this whole process of ship jumping is no longer necessary as you can go straight from here to rimmington now.


I could never imagine doing these quests without these walkthroughs. Thank you so much for all of the hard work and dedication that you put into each and every video.
P.S: Much respect to the OG's that did these quests without this guidance!


you must get the gas mask before speaking to OMART to climb over!


I love smoking a little weed and putting on your guides while i work on my alts and afk on my main. I hope to see you release content of how you simply enjoy runescape someday. Thanks for the great guides slayermusiq1!


in 2024 you will need the gas mask from the previous quest in order to get over the wall otherwise omart will not let you. also you can just take the charter to rimmington


When u use up all you Stamina pot and drop the ethena thinking it was an empty vial :')


i dont think its mentioned in this guide, but you need a gas mask to climb the wall to west ardougne. they probably made that change in recent years but it saves some time to know :) btw these guides are immensely helpful and are by far the best on youtube <3


UPDATE: You no longer have to charter, you are able to teleport! THIS IS NOT A DRILL


Correction and updates
The intro stated no items but 560 coins.
I could not get over the wall at 3:20 without the gas mask from Plague City. I tossed it months ago, after Plague City, so go to Edmunds house, base level, and search the cupboard for another. Return with it on, talk to Omart, and you go right over.
When speaking to the Chemist, this video directs you through options 2, 2, 2. I could not get the conversation to go past the first option 2.
However it did not seem broken, so after a few tries, I went on.
It worked just fine with a single option.
The same with Guidor in Garrick.
My conversation ended with option 1. But did not seem broken, I proceeded just fine.
I won't reiterate the ship, or wether you can bank samples and teleport.
This guide just needs a small update.


Update: You can now teleport with the painful items, so, take a house tp and use it once you have the items to save some time :)


ive been following your guide for years man, really nice to see you still continue making them

i also appreciate how you keep your compass north, very helpful as i have a bad sense of direction :)


Wanted to share 9/25/2022 UPDATE - - - You can now go straight to Remington for 30gp when you speak to the "Captain Barnaby" Select the option to go straight there. saves a couple minutes and several GP. Also, You do not need to bank the Paper or the sample at the bank anymore this was removed. go straight to Varrock he will still let you pass.


I love that I can just listen to this and do the quest without really watching the video. Cheers for expediting everything man!


Using the skills necklace you can teleport with the samples/ items given to you by Elena to the crafting guild. From there you can run south to Rimmington :)
DONT DO WHAT I DID, teleport to crafting guild run to rimmington realise there isn't a bank, teleport to falador to withdraw money then teleport back to crafting guild to run back to rimmington. Then go on a nice cruise around all the islands (from rimmington to brimhaven, brimhaven to musa point, then musa point back to port sarim) to only arrive back at rimmington (ran out of charge on my skills necklace!!). I wasted money and time doing that, so please do your self a favour - just teleport to crafting guild and then skip to 7:40 of this guide!


Using the log balance made me feel like a boss.


By far the best OSRS quest guides available, thank you for your continued work, they are an incredible help!
