Minecraft - Relaxing Longplay (Relax, Study, Sleep) [No Commentary]

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This Minecraft Longplay was roughly over 15 hours long before I edited to 12 hours. Youtube does not allow a channel this size any longer of a video. In this longplay I tried to avoid combat (most of the time) and more specially tried to look out for Creepers. There were a few times creepers exploded (5 times) but I muffled them in editing. I built a house, a farm, a small sand castle, went to the nether, went mining for awhile. Did a lot of travelling on the boat which was peaceful. Yeah I didn't do to much but I had fun and I think most of you will enjoy it. This was specially tailored to those who want to relax, study, read and or sleep. I hope you enjoy this longplay.

Gameplay recorded by Loopy

In a sense this is Minecraft ASMR

👻 👻 👻 👻 👻

If you feel like donating, 100% of the donations will be for buying more games to do longplays of. If you have requests when donating on paypal, please leave a message of the game your donating for. As I will try to make it a priority.

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I’m going through a really tough time. And the sounds of this game remind me when times weren’t that hard. Thank you


It sounds kinda weird but i love how _human_ this longplay is; the little mouse wiggles of happiness when you find diamonds, moving your cursor to the music, stopping and taking time to look at the scenery, etc. it's really nice!


I love the part when he played Minecraft.



One of my dreams is to buy a laptop that can play minecraft with shaders and just chill all night like him...


LOL When the animal nods at him and he nods back


I cannot believe Minecraft is 10 years old, I remember first getting the game and having a blast being a kid with no troubles other than to have fun. Recently when playing the game again I was so set on making a base, getting to the nether and defeating the Ender dragon that I didn’t realize I was playing with a goal and it actually made the game more boring, thanks for helping me enjoy the game again, I’ll most definitely be exploring my world more :)


1:58:01 the cow *nods* player *nods back* that was so cute


This is not just relaxing but the most wanted YouTube minecraft video that everyone who hates those YOUTUBERS WHO WANTS TO MAKE MINECRAFT TOOO FUNNY AND RUINS IT wants. In short thanks you for such a great video such a legend


I know I’m kinda late but god the nostalgia of this. when I was in my early teens staying up really late with friends playing Minecraft till 4 am and having a blast... now I hop on it once or twice a couple of days with one friend. Sad how life is sometimes and wondering what my other friends are doing that haven’t gotten back on but thank you for this!


I've been putting these on to fall asleep too since my wife started working nights. I was on antidepressants for awhile and I can truthfully say now that I'm so relax at nighttime I've gotten off of them successfully without any problems. listening and watching before I fall asleep really takes me back to such a beautiful time of my life. it's crazy that so many of us share this one thing. I was fifteen when I found Minecraft, Xbox 360. a kid I had been in a boys home in knocked on my door one day, handed me a beer and walked in with his Xbox, hooked it up and we sat on my couch for about ten hours playing. building all types of crazy stuff. no pressure at all, just two friends playing creative mode. drank a few beers and smoked a couple bowls. after that we got together all the time to play Minecraft. before that I was a very troubled youth. been in multiple detention centers, foster homes, boys homes, having to find new schools constantly. I had finally made it all the way back home by this time and this new game of just building stuff really kept me off the streets and next to someone that had been through all the same things as me.
then I stopped playing video games. smoked less weed and drank more alcohol. when I say I hit the shit hard, I hit the shit HARD. in no time I was on pills, drinking every day, trying all the drugs I could and in and out of more boys homes, when I was seventeen I caught my first felonies and went from being an 11th grader to being an inmate in my states penitentiary system. I got out but picked everything I had been doing before right back up except this time there was no alcohol. it was heroin. in no time I was right back in prison and did four years. I got out, lived in a motel, worked as a construction worker, invested into my own tools, became somewhat of an independent contractor, met my kids, won back their mother and we actually fell in love with each other. now we've owned our own home, nice vehicles, nice jobs, our kids have a nice childhood, we've given them siblings and life is okay again. just like so long ago back on that couch with my friend playing Minecraft. same house too. I bought my childhood home. these videos are everything to me right now. now it's my son playing with his buddy's on the couch in my living room and I often think about life when he's sitting there. I really pray my kids never have to experience most of the things I have.
if by any chance a parent reads this, don't discourage video games. please please whatever you do, don't stop your kids from playing the right games, build structure around it, set limitations or whatever but don't let them go without experiencing what it's like. you'll never really know what your kids are feeling or thinking and what Minecraft did for me was amazing. it gave me my own space, an entire world that was mine. my rules. I played the way I wanted to and I was alone but it was a very nice loneliness. comfortable. peaceful. feel free to connect with me if you have a similar story I'd love to hear about it.


So are you telling me this is 12 hours of Minecraft gameplay? If I had friends I’d tell them I have plans lol


You give your little character so much personality without saying a single word, that takes skill, its also quite cute to see him nod along when you are happy. :)


What a time to be alive. This game was a butterfly effect in my life, literally. My best friend and I used to have sleepovers and stay up until 2am and play Minecraft together. My brother, his friends and I would all play together. I played it by myself while everyone grew up. The games evolution was amazing to witness and experience, and even more fun, to watch all my friends return to the game as utter noobs. This game is more than just a game to me, it's memories and life lessons, happy and sad ones. Where I could be myself, create what I want, go where I want, do it when I wanted. Thanks for this, I enjoyed closing my eyes and just listening.


Would you consider doing another one of these but with resource packs like Winthor Medieval and Tissou's zombie pack. I love this relaxing video. It's amazing! I just wonder how epic it would be to have a horror version that has scary sounds. Maybe don't sleep and maybe even use the fog settings with shaders. I don't know, just thought it might be a cool idea.


47:28 dont mind me, im just making sure i dont lose the part i was on when i come back😔✌

edit: 6:15:20, ty for the people that keep reminding me

no y'all i still have to finish watching the video, i'll edit this again when i do


I just started and my entire mind has collapsed in quarantine. 11 people and I don’t feel like I can talk to any of them about anything serious😪 this video is very calming and helps me not think about sad things.


18:20 this wakes me up, while i’m sleeping


The realistic shader, the music of this game, the game itself, forces me to drop tears bringing in a lot of childhood memories back when the world's situation wasn't hard, thank you for your awesome video❤️


I have my phone locked in a lockbox right now bc im trying to stop being so addicted to it and to help me finish my homework. This audio in the background feels like Im at a friends house listening to them play in the same room, i feel like im not alone :) this is the perfect amount of stimulation for my brain and I am so grateful. many good feelings attached to these songs and sounds <3


this is so nice to have while studying. if i'm working hard, it becomes soothing background noise, and if i want to take a break for a couple of minutes, i can just lean back and watch some gameplay. :)
