Baby Hazel's Inspiring Eye Journey | OutDaughtered | TLC

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OutDaughtered's Hazel was born with a challenging eye condition. This journey has led her through a series of treatments and surgeries, from getting her first pair of glasses to wearing an eye patch. Despite these hurdles, Hazel has made tremendous progress and has dramatically improved her vision!

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Baby Hazel's Inspiring Eye Journey | OutDaughtered | TLC
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I am 69 years old and this could be my story. Left eye turned in 50% and up 50% at birth. There was a different order of procedures, but same outcome. Glasses first at 18 months, then eye patches at 2, specialized vision training for 2-3 years, first eye surgery at 5, more training, second surgery at 6, more training, constant changes in prescription glasses every three weeks to 6 months until I was about 35. Had my last surgery at 62 and finally, cataract surgery at 69. I totally understand what she’s going through. But above all, my parents loved me enough to have this all done starting in 1955 and because of their love, I have my vision💕


Hazel's laugh and the little noises she was making before her surgery is so cute. So glad she's doing well.


Hazel has been so brave. She is adorable, so sweet and kind.


As soon as I clicked on this video I got emotional because Hazel shows so many and inspires many to have a great attitude no matter what’s going on!!!


Hazel is so cute and I am so happy she's been able to overcome many obstacles with her eye condition:)


SWEET Hazel Basil 💚 is a champion.
Dear Hazel whenever I remember your eye surgery, my heart starts to beat hard. But you were and are a champion.
Thousands of Thanks to
Dr Kumar 💐
Dr Megan 💐
And your
New Dr 💐
They have looked after our BEAUTIFUL Hazel PERFECTLY 🥰


As a momma who also has a little girl whose had one eye surgery so far when she was around 4 and needs another, we did the eye patch route & it was so sad to watch, bless their whole hearts. My girls eye muscle is wonky too. The recovery of them just screaming after and all we can do is the compress and keep her comfy. It broke my heart and does not have me looking forward to the next one😢❤


So happy that Hazel is doing well and does not need surgery! What a little fighter she is.


I have a sister just like her and I was so scared and now she’s thriving and playing softball and cheer and I hope hazel is doing well!!!


Hazel is my absolute favourite!!!! She is I want to mother her. I love the clip from ages ago about her liking to be with boys at nursery 😂


Hazel came long way she over came so many challeges in her life She soo blessed to have a wonderful family buy her side


Hazel is adorable 🥰 So glad things are going well for her❤️


It’s ok hazelnut will be ok we are here for you


Oh sweet one!! Guess what?! I wore an eye patch when I was little too!!! You got this sweetheart!!! Jesus is going to heal you up!! No worries. Your BEAUTIFUL and have a heart of GOLD!!!


I'm so happy for hazel and I'm glad to know that she doesn't have to deal with any more surgeries such a sweet girl. 💙😍


You do you hazel basil, I’ve been through many brain surgeries which is not nearly the same thing, you go girl


I remember having eyepatch‘s to as a little kid they didn’t have the fun ones like they do today but I think what you’re teaching her is really good to be confident and it will make her eyes stronger.


so proud of Hazel and her parents they did everthig to get better and it worked I hope every step ahead goes well Hazel is a warrior with her mama and papa soldiers


I’m half blind, so back before I went completely blind in that bad eye, we tried an eye patch to strengthen it. I’d be wearing it around the house, and every single time I was trying to go through a doorway, I’d walk into the door frame. Eventually I got sick of it and I made this contraption thing that made it to where I could go through the door frame, and if I wasn’t In the middle of it, this contraption would stop me. It was something I could wear all the time and it almost be like one of those canes for blind toddlers, but it was for a big kid. I built it out of legos and it worked amazing. It helped a while, but eventually my vision in that eye got so bad, that even that couldnt help me when I wore the eye patch. My eyepatch wasn’t a sticker, it was one with the strap around your head. I was 12 during the time of needing the eyepatch. I’ll be 20 in February.


Your still my favorite quint Hazel! 😭😭😭
