Jeff Volek, PhD -- Discussion on Ketogenic Diet for Dyslipidemia & Metabolic Syndrome

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Jeff Volek, PhD


Department of Human Sciences, The Ohio State University

Jeff Volek, Ph.D. Dr. Jeff Volek is a registered dietitian and professor in the Department of Human Sciences at the Ohio State University. For the last two decades he has been performing cutting edge research elucidating how humans adapt to diets restricted in carbohydrate with a dual focus on clinical and performance applications. His work has contributed to the existing robust science of ketones and ketogenic diets, their use as a therapeutic tool to manage insulin resistance, plus their emerging potential to augment human performance and resiliency. This research indicates that that well formulated ketogenic diets result in substantial improvements in insulin resistance and the myriad of cardio-metabolic biomarkers associated with metabolic syndrome, including favorable changes in fatty acid composition and saturated fat metabolism, cholesterol and lipoprotein profiles. He has also performed seminal research on a wide range of dietary supplements (e.g., creatine, chromium, whey protein, caffeine, carnitine, HMB, etc.) that can augment performance and recovery. He has accumulated an enormous amount of laboratory and clinical data as it pertains to biomarker discovery and formulation of personalized, effective and sustainable low-carbohydrate diets. His team is currently exploring the role of nutritional ketosis induced by diet and/or supplements to: 1) reverse type-2 diabetes, 2) alter gut microbiota, 3) favorable impact tumor metabolism and health outcomes in women with advanced breast cancer, and 4) extend human physical and cognitive capabilities in elite athletes and military personnel. Dr. Volek has secured several million dollars in research funds from federal sources, industry, and foundations. He has been invited to lecture on his research nearly 200 times at scientific and industry conferences in a dozen countries. His scholarly work includes 300+ peer-reviewed scientific manuscripts and five books, including a New York Times Best Seller.
Рекомендации по теме

I follow everything that Volek presents on. I've been on a ketogenic diet for about 9 months and it has had better results in all areas than I could have ever believed. I expect that I will be on a ketogenic diet for life, but there is so much variation in what is promoted for ketogenic diets. The basis of my is whole foods (largely all non-processed). Thanks so much Jeff....


I just want to say thank you Dr. Jeff Volek for your work and for validating my lifestyle. I don't feel I will ever have to defend it or question it ever again.


This was very helpful for understanding the science behind the fat adapted keto life. I was able to reverse metabolic syndrome, type 2 pre-diabetes, high cholesterol, MS symptoms by changing my body to eating only real food low carb then hCG and I now live LCMPHF lifestyle as well as losing 88# and keeping it off for 6 years. I am blessed every day to be able to help others change their health destiny (as well as their clothing size) every single day at my weight loss clinic. Thanks for spreading the word. I will be recommending this video to my clients.


Thank you for the upload. Jeff Volek always provides fascinating presentations.


Thank God for our Dr. Tim Noakes here in South Africa. He also talks very highly of you. All I can say is this: I have type II (A) Heterozygous Familial Hypercholesterolemia. Both my sons inherited the disease. My mom is the carrier and she is now going onto 87. She only went onto meds in her 60's and immediately could not tolerate statins so then went onto fibrates, now on nothing.
BUT, my sons I fear for. My eldest son recently had quintuple bypass surgery very hastily (had NO heart attack, so his heart muscle is normal. Didn't know quintuple bypass existed. Thoracic surgeon had never done this on such a young person.
So I went onto keto with my 13 - 14 total cholesterol and 2.? trigs. After a month (BUT I never stopped taking fibrates low dosage) - everyone waited for me to drop dead. The fibrates could never get me lower than 8.2. My GP phoned and said it was as if my results did not belong in my file. My trigs were now 0.7 and total of 6.3 (NEVER since birth had it gone lower than 7.5)
Thank you for this talk - I think Keto is the biggest breakthrough of the modern time.


305 total cholesterol / Hdl 150, vldl 12. Yay. Almost 60 and I'm happy with my ratios...great talk. Thank you!


Volek seemed not to understand the first question, about limiting food intake to a certain window of time per day.  This is often called 'intermittent fasting', but the word intermittent does not indicate that this fasting happens within a 24 hour daily cycle.  Dr. Mercola calls this 'peak fasting', and recommends that people eat within a 6 to 8 hour time period each day, which results in a 16 to 18 hour daily fast.On a very low carb high fat diet, this becomes pretty easy to do, a 'painless' way to help our bodies to burn fat.


I want him to review my bloodwork, after being on Keto for a few years.  He looks a lot deeper then regular Drs.


Recently got a blood panel done. Told my doc that I recently lost 40 lbs from Keto diet and IF. She asked is was eating butter, sour cream, etc. I said absolutely. She was horrified. Then my results came back…everything normal. She had the “ I don’t get it” look on her face. I’m sure she was expecting my ldl and triglycerides to be off the charts bad.


I'm struggling with 16:1 (omega 7) which I assumed was good because it aided insulin sensitivity; Jeff's saying its a marker for the opposite - anybody any clues?


What did he say about saturated fat and Macadamia nut ?


What was asked at about 44 minutes? I couldn't really understand her.


Wonder what sugar companies will try next, because of people catching on about Toxic sugar. Maybe put fat back in . But if they do it surely won't  be the healthy  kind !  More veg. oil & corn junk ..


Bacon and butter? Guy is a lunatic lol. You can do plant based low carb, much healthier in my opinion. Backed by science ;)
