What's Going On In Jupiter's Great Red Spot?
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What's going on in Jupiter's Great Red Spot? The Great Red Spot, a 340-year-long merciless storm wreaking havoc on Jupiter, the Solar System's largest planet. After hundreds of years of witnessing the Great Red Spot from afar, we now possess the technology to observe the biggest storm in our solar system's history and understand what's going on inside this massive storm on Jupiter.
Do you want to know what's going on in the Great Red Spot? What is happening within this catastrophic storm on Jupiter? How and when did this devastating storm begin? And what does NASA's Juno mission have to do with it?
Join us on a journey of hundreds of millions of miles to the gargantuan Jupiter, as we uncover what we know about this gigantic storm!
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- In the video we mention that the cyclones on Jupiter's poles are collectively wider than the United States. While this is true, the cyclones on the south pole on their own are already the size of the United States, each cyclone is around 2800 miles (4500 km) wide, whereas the United States is also this wide. The cyclones on Jupiter's north pole are a bit smaller with a size of 1500-1900 miles (2400-3000 km) each and on their own a bit less wide than the United States.
Do you want to know what's going on in the Great Red Spot? What is happening within this catastrophic storm on Jupiter? How and when did this devastating storm begin? And what does NASA's Juno mission have to do with it?
Join us on a journey of hundreds of millions of miles to the gargantuan Jupiter, as we uncover what we know about this gigantic storm!
#greatredspot #jupiter #astronomy #space #jupiterstorm #redspot #gasgiant #solarsystem #planets #universe #whatsgoingoninjupitersgreatredspot #whathappens #nasa #junomission #nasajuno #whatsgoingoninjupitersgreatredspot #recentspacediscoveries #sciencedocumentary #jupitersgreatredspot #factsaboutspace #greatredspottornado #whatif #jupitersgreatredspotfacts #gasgiants #factsaboutspaceyoudidntknow #factsaboutspacethatwillblowyourmind #factsaboutspace #factsaboutspaceandplanets #greatredspotshrinking #greatredspotcomparedtoearth #solarsystemdocumentary #spacedocumentary #jupiterstorm
- In the video we mention that the cyclones on Jupiter's poles are collectively wider than the United States. While this is true, the cyclones on the south pole on their own are already the size of the United States, each cyclone is around 2800 miles (4500 km) wide, whereas the United States is also this wide. The cyclones on Jupiter's north pole are a bit smaller with a size of 1500-1900 miles (2400-3000 km) each and on their own a bit less wide than the United States.