Unsolved Mysteries - The Hum

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There's an unexplained global phenomenon called "The Hum" that’s heard by about 2-4% of the world's population. Different causes have been attributed to it, including mechanical sources from local industries, as well as manifestations of tinnitus or other biological auditory effects and in some cases even fish. Most of these hums, like the one heard in the town of Taos, New Mexico still remains a mystery.

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A lot of ppl saying it’s tinnitus but in places where people hear it at the same time or they notice it when they arrive and it goes when they leave; that’s an external noise and not tinnitus.


Guys i hear the hum sometimes. I live in germany, and sometimes there is a very low droning that just rings out across everywhere.
It puts pressure on my ear drums, and is genuinely uncomfortable.
It kind of sounds like the sky was straight up vibrating, or quaking.
Theres never a source or even a direction where it comes from and its so loud that i cant ear anything else.
I know that its not tinnitus, because i can go back into my apartment, or cover my ears and block it out.

Its genuinely uncomfortable for my ears, sometimes even a little painful and it weirds me the fuck out.
Theres no pattern, no set time or anything.
Its like the sky itself just starts making this noise when it happens. Its hard to explain


It's called Tinnitus and the reason there's so many answers is because there are 47 different things that can cause it it's not a simple answer


is it like a weird buzzing sound that's there all the time? if it's not then i'm goin to the doctor


Ayee that's what's up I live in Taos New Mexico, no one can explain the hum but some say it comes from the mountain. Scientists like to come here to test there machines because of the interference they get from the mountain.


The sound of silence - I've heard it as an long as I can remember.🙉👂🎧


Everyone who comments “it is tinnitus” the most ignorant ppl in the world 😂 They can’t even understand what was said in the video.


I always assumed the particular background hum I heard from early childhood up was related to electricity, since it is much louder near lots of items that contain electricity, and much quieter, sometimes nonexistent, in open countryside....the loudest and most obvious, of course, is transformers.
Also, back when TVs had tubes, I could hear and feel them turning on, even from the next room. It was like the sensation you get when you open a two liter bottle of carbonated beverage, that feeling in the hand on the side of the bottle to steady it as the bubbles sparkle up the sides

I definitely never thought of this him or these sensations as a spooky or extrasensory thing, but as purely biological. It surprised me when I realized this background hum was only sensible to some people and not all, and that "feeling/hearing" the TV turn on was not common...

Then again, aspartame tastes reasonably good to many people, and not everyone can smell approaching snow. Our bodies and their senses seem to differ quite a lot!
Side note, I had issues with my ears as a child that lingered into adulthood and affected my hearing, but the electrical hum is totally different from the mild tinnitus I experience when my ears are/were irritated or my eustachian tubes were clogged. In fact, I've never been able to hear the electrical hum when my ears are acting up, I just hear my ear problems.


It’s like a car running its engine a few streets down . And your waiting for it to suddenly drive on so you can get back to sleep 🛌


Message from my higher self: the hum manifests when there is a connection to higher dimensions, individuals can expirence the hum by meditation but there are some places that have such a spiritual history that they cause the hum to be heard by those who are not spiritually awakened.


Are you talkin about the high pitched ringing i hear time to time


If phenomena mostly occur in Europe and North America I usually don't worry about it


"ten et ous" lol it's ti-night-us jesus lol
