Disaster Roles of Local Officials: Flood Preparation

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How should local officials prepare for disasters, especially flooding? Learn more about responsibilities of local officials, including the floodplain ordinance administrator, for preparing for disasters.
To see most of the links referenced in the video, and a link to the Disaster Roles of Local Officials: Part 2 - Response and Recovery video, see Minnesota’s Flood Preparation, Response and Recovery page.

For the FEMA mapping information in Minnesota see the Find Floodplain Maps page and the County Data and Map Viewers page.

For more details, see the following time stamps:
 00:00 Introduction and summary of activities during a flood
 02:34 Review existing and past flood data and records
 04:35 Response planning and resources
 07:22 Identify critical facilities and priority evacuation areas
 08:33 Gage and forecasting resources
 11:45 Inventory structures and areas most at risk
 14:30 How to get help from other parts of the state or country
 15:31 Resources for next steps, and thanks
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