Mode of Nutrition in Bacteria | Prokaryotes (Urdu/Hindi)
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Bacteria like all other organisms do need energy for maintenance, growth and reproduction. Although, simple aur prokaryotic; still they need a continuous source of nutrients and energy for survival.
Based on the Nutrition source, bacteria are divided into two main categories:
a. Autotrophic Bacteria, can senthesize their own food from simpler inorganic substances and fall into two subgroups of Photoautotrophs and Chemoautotrophs based on the energy source.
Photoautotrophic Bacteria utilize energy of sunlight like plants to synthesize organic compounds in much the same manner as their descendants like plants.
Chemoautotrophic Bacteria utilize energy of Oxidation of Inorganic substances for manufacturing of cell material.
b. Heterotrophic Bacteria, can not synthesize their own food, and are dependent upon other organisms for food. They fall into three categories.
Saprophytic Bacteria decompose dead organic matter using their enzymes amd utilize the released energy.
Parasitic Bacteria live in a living host and cause the host tissue death resulting in diseases.
Symbiotic Bacteria form mutual relationship with other organisms in which both partners get benefited equally.
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