Everything Happens For a Reason - Lisa Nichols

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I want to share with you, my understanding of everything happens for a reason. Someone just recently asked, what does that mean Lisa? When it says everything happens for a reason? Well, I have four things.

I would love to hear from you. What was the big #aha on this? What have you been holding onto you couldn't find reason for it. What have you been frustrated about? And one of the four things I've said went, Oh, that might just be it. Please leave me a comment below and let me know. I'd love to hear all.

#LisaNichols #LisaNicholsShow #EverythingHappensForAReason

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Man's Rejection is God's Protection. This is very deep. I thank God for his protection.


Eveything is happening in perfect divine timing


Rejection is sometimes one of the hardest thing to contend with, but clarity in the reason gives immense freedom. Sometimes when people face rejection, those who rejected them also reject their growth and future amazing self. One should not allow themselves to be deflated as a result of rejection. Rejection, when perceived from a positive lens, is always a blessing in disguise🤗.


"Lean not unto thine own understanding "

Lord decrease me and increase yourself.


I wanna cry when i hear everything happens for a reason especially when i feel like a failure


I am now 47 years old. I’ve been there done that had hurts of many kinds. I just decided that when things happen that I don’t like I just don’t care! I don’t focus there! I don’t give what didn’t go right anymore attention. I heard someone wise say; negativity loves an Audience, bc it’s like an actor. Ni matter how talented a person is they need the energy of their audience to give them energy! Well, I’ve discovered that if I don’t give negativity my attention or energy it won’t affect me as much. I’ve tried this and it really works! Thanks Lisa!!


There is blessing in the no. Reaching pass the pain. Lesson in the inconvenience. I am also realizing that no and rejection leads you to the right direction. I just need to believe there is the right opportunity that will say yes. May God bless you Lisa Nichols.♥️


I got 'aha' moment with man's rejection is God's protection..unpredictable situation arose and eventually I had to leave the job. I really believe that this previous work duties weren't serving my purpose of life..I got courage to resign so that I have given myself a second chance to live my purpose. I have committed to myself to live high quality life..manifesting higher opportunities for myself. Thank you for your inspiration, Lisa.


I love the way you speak, I love the way you changing lives of millions.


Rejection and protection.

My dad has rejected me since a young age. We argue bad. He hit me bad. I trigger him and speak of not accepting his violence and nastiness.

Through this I discovered the healer in me. The ancestral curses and the father wound that destroyed all relationships I ever had

Thankyou Sister.

Goddess Rise


When you were talking about the last point and that you have to accept that invitation to see the learning lesson and the opportunity to grow and develop myself, i realized that my loved loved ones getting sick and my loved ones getting overwhelmed and the worry that is hovering above us accompanied with tremendous fear, it all is happening for a reason, it is here for me to learn that i only have Allah (god) and me, i should only rely on myself and just be who i truly am with no hesitation or fear of lack of acceptance, i should be grateful to each and every moment that has led me to this point and every second that has led to this exact second.
Whoever it is that is reading this i hope you are doing well and that you start practicing gratitude towards everything you have and everything you were protected from having, love yourself and take care of you


Every time i to listen to a motivational speech on YouTube 90% Lisa Nichols for me . I hear EXACTLY what I need to hear BECAUSE everything happens for a reason. When I tell you this is My Season for Lisa Nichols I could not explain it better than the words everything happens for a reason thank you so much Lisa if you only knew what you have done in my life in the last 10 days bless you Queen bless you ‼️‼️‼️❣️


The lesson is that when someone walks away, wave bye and say see u later


Love you sis, I so needed that💞. Man's rejection is God's protection🙏🙏


Lisa I REALLY REALY REALLY needed to hear this. “Man’s rejection is GOD’s protection!” I thank God for protecting me and keeping me in ALL His ways. I lean not unto my own understanding but in ALL my ways I acknowledge HIM and HE directs my path! 🙏🏽😇


Amen! I can definitely testify to #2 (Man’s rejection is God’s protection). He’s so faithful!


I’ve been putting everyone else’s needs before my own #LESSONLEARNED


Never Forget: H. O. M. E.: Holding ON To Memorial Experience! Thanks for these memorable experiences from you Heart! And Still I Rise! We rise higher with each offering you share!


Oooooh Ms. Lisa Nichols! This was an on time message I needed to hear today after receiving a "man's rejection" today. That on the surface was very hard to see beyond the inconvenience because of the potential turmoil. But your message helped me see beyond the problem. Something I have been dealing with for over 7 months and trying to hold on. But now forced to let it go because of "man's rejection". This message is helping me to get into a space of accepting the invitation to embrace opportunity and a willingness to seek next open door. "Man's rejection is God's protection". Frankly, I have no choice but to accept that. It's the only choice I have and I am getting to a space to accept that's ok and all I need!


I AM learning to interpret events in My favour. Which means looking for the BEAUTY; the gift, the blessing, the purpose, the lesson in whatever comes My way. Something I’ve learned along the way is that acceptance sets ME free. Keep on shining Lisa, YOU truly are a BLESSING🙏🏿
